How to care for patients who have had intracerebral hemorrhage? Do these seven things well

Intracerebral hemorrhage is a common cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease. In today's life, many people call it cerebral hemorrhage. It occurs more in the middle-aged and elderly. In addition to being related to their usual living and eating habits, some are hereditary cerebral hemorrhage.

Let's look at the nursing methods of patients with intracerebral hemorrhage and how to better care?

Only by properly nursing patients with intracerebral hemorrhage can they recover better and avoid other complications. The specific nursing work is as follows:

First, the diet is mainly light

Patients will have great difficulty swallowing after the onset. At this time, they can choose some light and less greasy porridge foods. Digestible food can not only better restore physical strength, but also enable patients to slowly restore their eating function.

Second, do a good job in rehabilitation training

Many patients may have hemiplegia after onset. This situation also requires more exercise and rehabilitation training. For example, if the legs are inconvenient, they need to exercise slowly, and if the hands are not flexible, they also need to do finger movement constantly.

Third, do a good job in reducing blood pressure

The reason why this happens in patients with cerebral hemorrhage is also because the blood vessel circulation is not smooth, especially the increase of blood pressure will lead to cerebral hemorrhage. At ordinary times, you can choose some blood pressure lowering drugs, which can not only effectively control, but also avoid the occurrence of complications.

Fourth, develop good work and rest habits

Patients need to pay attention to rest after onset, avoid fatigue, try to go to bed early and get up early, so that they can recover their health slowly after their life is regular.

Fifth, keep a good mood

Patients with intracerebral hemorrhage can not be stimulated. They usually avoid emotional excitement in life. They also need to pay attention when talking. Their relatives around them should give enough spiritual support to let the patients recover slowly after maintaining a good mood.

Sixth, do a good job of regular review

For patients with intracerebral hemorrhage, it is generally necessary to have a regular review every three months, and many patients also need to have an infusion every six months. Therefore, when doing the review, you can also look at the overall recovery and condition, and respect the doctor's suggestions for treatment.

Seventh, do joint massage and passive exercise

After paralysis, the mood of some patients will be greatly affected. When doing nursing work, in addition to joint massage, they can also passively give some exercise, which can prevent muscle atrophy.

From the above contents, it can also be found that once patients with intracerebral hemorrhage get sick, they will have a great impact. When doing nursing work at ordinary times, in addition to paying more attention to diet and life, they also need to give some mental support, so that patients can recover slowly and achieve the state of taking care of themselves.

How to care for patients who have had intracerebral hemorrhage? Do these seven things well How to care for patients who have had intracerebral hemorrhage? Do these seven things well Reviewed by kairos999 on August 23, 2021 Rating: 5

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