Is there anything wrong with long-term vitamin C supplementation? What kind of people need vitamin C supplements? Is there anything wrong with long-term vitamin C supplementation? What kind of people need vitamin C supplements? Reviewed by kairos999 on October 05, 2021 Rating: 5
Can hypertension cause headaches? That’s not all, it’s them that make headaches "entangle" you Can hypertension cause headaches? That’s not all, it’s them that make headaches "entangle" you Reviewed by kairos999 on September 27, 2021 Rating: 5
Lumbar vertebrae is not good, doctor's advice: do 5 little things to help recover Lumbar vertebrae is not good, doctor's advice: do 5 little things to help recover Reviewed by kairos999 on September 22, 2021 Rating: 5
It can relieve greasiness and prevent inflammation. Drinking barley tea has these benefits, but three types of people can't drink it It can relieve greasiness and prevent inflammation. Drinking barley tea has these benefits, but three types of people can't drink it Reviewed by kairos999 on September 16, 2021 Rating: 5
Reduce blood sugar, diuresis, and reduce edema. The traditional Chinese medicine Poria Cocos has these effects. Know how to use it Reduce blood sugar, diuresis, and reduce edema. The traditional Chinese medicine Poria Cocos has these effects. Know how to use it Reviewed by kairos999 on September 13, 2021 Rating: 5
Cholesterol is high, you need to control yourself in diet, remember 5 taboos, and don't act rashly Cholesterol is high, you need to control yourself in diet, remember 5 taboos, and don't act rashly Reviewed by kairos999 on September 09, 2021 Rating: 5
What if your feet stink? Reminder: stick to these 3 steps and the odor will gradually disappear What if your feet stink? Reminder: stick to these 3 steps and the odor will gradually disappear Reviewed by kairos999 on September 05, 2021 Rating: 5
How to distinguish the type of eczema and symptomatic nursing? How to distinguish the type of eczema and symptomatic nursing? Reviewed by kairos999 on September 01, 2021 Rating: 5
Often drink Apple Cider Vinegar can beauty? Can you drink it every day? Are there any side effects Often drink Apple Cider Vinegar can beauty? Can you drink it every day? Are there any side effects Reviewed by kairos999 on August 29, 2021 Rating: 5
How to quickly relieve stomachache? The situation is different and the treatment method is different. Remember three kinds How to quickly relieve stomachache? The situation is different and the treatment method is different. Remember three kinds Reviewed by kairos999 on August 26, 2021 Rating: 5
How to care for patients who have had intracerebral hemorrhage? Do these seven things well How to care for patients who have had intracerebral hemorrhage? Do these seven things well Reviewed by kairos999 on August 23, 2021 Rating: 5
Is pancreatic cancer neither painful nor itching? Reminder: These 4 abnormalities are warning lights for pancreatic cancer! Advise you not to ignore Is pancreatic cancer neither painful nor itching? Reminder: These 4 abnormalities are warning lights for pancreatic cancer! Advise you not to ignore Reviewed by kairos999 on August 19, 2021 Rating: 5
These two phenomena appear in the morning, suggesting that the heart may be bad! To protect your heart, eat less of these three These two phenomena appear in the morning, suggesting that the heart may be bad! To protect your heart, eat less of these three Reviewed by kairos999 on August 16, 2021 Rating: 5
Can longan really cure long-term insomnia? 6 ways to teach you how to do it Can longan really cure long-term insomnia? 6 ways to teach you how to do it Reviewed by kairos999 on August 12, 2021 Rating: 5
Why does gastric cancer belong to advanced stage once found? The doctor sighed, the body showed 4 signs, it was the stomach calling for help Why does gastric cancer belong to advanced stage once found? The doctor sighed, the body showed 4 signs, it was the stomach calling for help Reviewed by kairos999 on August 09, 2021 Rating: 5
Long life or short life, dinner will tell! People who have 3 habits at dinner are deviating from the track of longevity Long life or short life, dinner will tell! People who have 3 habits at dinner are deviating from the track of longevity Reviewed by kairos999 on August 05, 2021 Rating: 5
A signal appears in the abdomen. Is it stomach disease or cancer? The doctor teaches you to identify from 4 aspects A signal appears in the abdomen. Is it stomach disease or cancer? The doctor teaches you to identify from 4 aspects Reviewed by kairos999 on July 29, 2021 Rating: 5
Thrombus is the "public enemy" of human health! Doctor: if you want to live a long life, you should adhere to "2 more and 3 less" every day Thrombus is the "public enemy" of human health! Doctor: if you want to live a long life, you should adhere to "2 more and 3 less" every day Reviewed by kairos999 on July 25, 2021 Rating: 5
The "accomplice" of the thrombus may have been found! High salt is at the bottom, but many people like to eat at the top of the list The "accomplice" of the thrombus may have been found! High salt is at the bottom, but many people like to eat at the top of the list Reviewed by kairos999 on July 21, 2021 Rating: 5
These three natural "thrombolytics" can be eaten straightforwardly, clean blood vessels, and drive off blood clots! These three natural "thrombolytics" can be eaten straightforwardly, clean blood vessels, and drive off blood clots! Reviewed by kairos999 on July 16, 2021 Rating: 5
Why do women's bones become more "brittle" as they get older? Remember to do a good job of 4 points, strengthen the body and bones, but also prolong life Why do women's bones become more "brittle" as they get older? Remember to do a good job of 4 points, strengthen the body and bones, but also prolong life Reviewed by kairos999 on July 05, 2021 Rating: 5
Lung has cancer, does the skin know ahead of time? Reminder: if there are 3 kinds of skin changes, we should pay attention to them! Lung has cancer, does the skin know ahead of time? Reminder: if there are 3 kinds of skin changes, we should pay attention to them! Reviewed by kairos999 on June 30, 2021 Rating: 5
Young, why is kidney bad? In addition to holding urine, four habits are the root cause of uremia Young, why is kidney bad? In addition to holding urine, four habits are the root cause of uremia Reviewed by kairos999 on June 27, 2021 Rating: 5
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