Is it better for eggs with red skin or white skin? The doctor will tell you clearly once, don't buy it blindly in the future

As the king of food, egg is almost one of the most used ingredients.

Due to the perfect ratio of protein type and amino acid composition of egg, and its low price, it can make all kinds of food, which is the best and cheapest food on the planet.

Especially friends who often buy eggs may notice that there are not only red-skinned eggs, but also white-skinned eggs. Therefore, it is often difficult to choose when buying eggs. I don’t know what is the difference between the two and which one to choose. 

What's the difference in eggshell color?

Chicken blood contains a substance called "eggshell porphyrin", which determines the color of eggshell.

If there is eggshell porphyrin in chicken blood, the eggshell will appear red, otherwise it will be white. If the hen lays eggs for the first time, the color of the eggshell will be darker, and with the increase in the number of eggs laid, the color of the egg shell will gradually become lighter.

Does the deep color of eggshell mean high nutritional value?

In fact, the eggshell is not only red and white, but also some other colors. No matter which color it is, it will not determine the nutritional composition of the egg.

The nutrition of eggs is mainly determined by the nutritional value of feed and the eating condition of chickens!

Studies have shown that the fat content of red-skinned eggs is slightly higher, while the content of vitamin A and E in white-skinned eggs is relatively high. There is no obvious difference in the types and contents of other nutrients.

But even the fat and vitamin A, e, but also only a small difference, for human needs, can be ignored.

Compared with the color of eggs, good eggs are the most important

In fact, whether it's red or white, the eggs you can eat are good eggs. But when we choose, how to choose a good egg?

As a matter of fact, doctors recommend these three measures:

1. Look

Most people like to choose eggs with clean and smooth shell. They think such eggs look good, but they don't know that they should choose eggs with rough shell.

Because there is a layer of white powder on the surface of fresh eggs, it will feel rough. In addition, it also depends on whether there are cracks in the eggshell. If there are cracks, it means that bacteria may have penetrated into the egg. With the influence of bacteria, the egg will soon rot and deteriorate, which will have an impact on human health.

2. Shake

Hold the egg with your thumb, index finger and middle finger and shake it gently. If there is no sound inside the egg, it means it is fresh. When a bad egg shakes, there is sound inside.

In addition, you can feel whether the inside of the egg is loose when shaking. If there is a feeling of looseness, then do not buy such an egg, it is likely to be bad.

3. Illumination

Raise the egg to the light, look at the inside of the egg, if it is translucent, there is an air chamber on the side of the big end of the egg, it means it is a fresh egg. Because the stale eggs are dark gray inside, and some will have stains.

In fact, it is necessary to pay too much attention to native eggs

Many people believe that compared to feed chickens, native chickens that usually eat insects, wild vegetables or vegetables as their food will produce eggs that have better nutritional value than regular eggs.

But in fact, compared with the nutrition of native eggs and ordinary eggs, although native eggs contain more protein, carbohydrates and calcium, while vitamin A, vitamin B2 and nicotinic acid are less, but on the whole, there is little difference between the two.

However, native eggs may be due to chicken eating habits, there may be some flavor substances, taste will be better.

If you have enough money, you can eat more.

But to expect to eat out other nutritional value, I advise you to save it!

In addition, whether it is 1 egg a day or eating multiple eggs a day, it will not increase the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular or diabetes, but like everything, although eggs are good, don't eat too much.

According to the "dietary guidelines for Chinese residents 2016", if other foods are compared with milk, meat, or fish and shrimp, you should not eat more than 7 eggs a week.

Of course, if the daily protein intake is insufficient, or there is a fitness habit in urgent need of protein supplement, eating more eggs is no problem.

Is it better for eggs with red skin or white skin? The doctor will tell you clearly once, don't buy it blindly in the future Is it better for eggs with red skin or white skin? The doctor will tell you clearly once, don't buy it blindly in the future Reviewed by kairos999 on April 01, 2021 Rating: 5

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