Natural "Liuwei Dihuang Wan" have been found. Men eat 4 more ingredients to replenish qi and nourish essence, and the kidneys will be better

Modern people are facing more and more pressure in life, coupled with the influence of bad diet and living habits, more and more men have kidney health problems. Bad kidney will not only cause dizziness, tinnitus, limb weakness and other symptoms, but also have a great impact on men's sexual function. Therefore, men will pay special attention to how to tonify the kidney.

In fact, to replenish the kidney, we don't have to take medicine. Some natural ingredients also have the function of nourishing qi and essence. It can be used frequently, which can enhance the function of kidney and improve the symptoms of kidney deficiency.

So, what ingredients are helpful for kidney health?

1. Black sesame

Black sesame nourishing liver and kidney, for kidney deficiency caused by the early white hair, tinnitus, dizziness, waist and knee soft symptoms have a good improvement. Black sesame is rich in vitamin E, which has a good antioxidant effect, can enhance the sperm vitality and increase the number of sperm. Magnesium in it can also improve sperm vitality, and greatly improve male fertility.

2. Leek

Chinese medicine believes that leek has the function of Tonifying the kidney and strengthening yang, warming the spleen, and can improve the premature ejaculation and impotence caused by kidney deficiency, thus improving the sexual function of men. From the perspective of nutrition, leek is very rich in nutrition, including vitamin C and zinc elements can improve sperm vitality of men, and eating leek often can enhance immunity.

3. Wolfberry

Medlar has the function of nourishing yin and clearing eyes, toning liver and kidney, and benefiting essence blood. It can improve the symptoms of kidney deficiency, especially for men who often have tinnitus, sweating, low back acid and fatigue symptoms, which is very suitable for eating some wolfberry frequently. In addition, wolfberry has the effect of reducing fat and sugar, which can enhance immunity, but it is not recommended to eat too much every day, otherwise it will easily cause internal heating. If it is a constitution with Yin deficiency and fire, it is necessary to avoid eating.

4. Chinese yam

Chinese yam is a kind of food material with same origin. It has rich nutrition, including protein, vitamin, carbohydrate, calcium, magnesium, potassium and other nutrients, which has a good nourishing effect on the body, especially the effect of invigorating spleen, nourishing lung and strengthening kidney and essence. It can improve the symptoms of kidney deficiency.

In addition to the above-mentioned foods, the following should be paid attention to in the life of men with bad kidney:

1. Pay attention to the combination of work and rest

Men should avoid overwork in their lives, especially those who are engaged in heavy physical labor, pay more attention to rest, ensure sufficient sleep time, and make kidney better repair. In addition, in the aspect of sexual life, it is not too frequent, and moderate sexual life is more beneficial to the health of kidney.

2. Proper exercise

Life is in exercise, usually more exercise, to enhance renal function has a great help. It is suggested that the exercise of about 30 minutes per day, such as swimming, playing, running, etc., can help to regulate the body function and gradually improve the symptoms of kidney deficiency.

3. Quit smoking and drinking

Tobacco contains a lot of nicotine, alcohol contains ethanol, these substances can cause damage to the body function, in order to improve the symptoms of kidney deficiency, it is essential to quit smoking and alcohol.

Kidney bad has a great influence on men's health and daily life. It is suggested that such men should start with diet and eat more kidney tonic foods, such as wolfberry, leek, Chinese yam, sesame, etc. in addition, they should also pay attention to the development of good living habits, such as exercise more often, pay attention to rest, and not too frequently in sexual life, away from tobacco and alcohol, Only in this way can we maintain kidney health better.

Natural "Liuwei Dihuang Wan" have been found. Men eat 4 more ingredients to replenish qi and nourish essence, and the kidneys will be better Natural "Liuwei Dihuang Wan" have been found. Men eat 4 more ingredients to replenish qi and nourish essence, and the kidneys will be better Reviewed by kairos999 on April 23, 2021 Rating: 5

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