Whether the kidney is good or not, the urine will inform you in advance! If there are 4 abnormalities when urinating, beware that uremia is coming!
Dialysis, kidney transplantation, which sounds strange and distant words, are the hope of survival of uremia patients!
Uremia is a very serious and fatal kidney disease, but it is not an independent problem in the kidney, but chronic renal failure caused by various primary and secondary kidney diseases. Because renal failure is an irreversible disease, when renal failure develops to the end stage, it is "uremia period", it can appear multiple symptoms and metabolic disorders!
Dialysis is a treatment instead of kidney work, but it can not treat renal failure itself. So once uremia occurs, patients can only rely on dialysis to prolong their lives.
Even if there is a way to choose a kidney transplant, but whether the appropriate kidney source can be found, the huge cost of treatment, and the cost of anti-rejection drugs in the later stage, it is also a huge problem for ordinary families. Therefore, uremia is a bottomless pit in everyone's eyes.
Only by early detection of chronic nephropathy and preventing further development of nephrosis, can the incidence of uremia be reduced in the later stage. If there are four abnormalities in recent urination, caution is the signal of renal injury:
1. Frequent nocturnal urination
Under normal circumstances, because the activities of organs gradually slow down and the body metabolism tend to be stable at night, we will easily have no hunger and thirst at night, and the number of urinates all night is only 0-2 times.
But when the kidney is damaged, this will change. Affected by the kidney can not concentrate the original urine, the number of night urine will increase, the number of urination can be as many as 3-5 times all night, and the amount of urine excretion even exceeds 500ml.
Such symptoms appear, often the signal of chronic kidney disease, and also the first step of renal failure.
2. Albuminuria
Protein is an important substance that the body cannot lack. Under normal circumstances, the protein that enters the kidney with the blood will not be filtered out, because the protein itself belongs to macromolecular substances.
However, when the glomerular filtration function of the patient is reduced, macromolecule matter can be lost with urine, and then proteinuria symptoms will appear. The most typical manifestation of albuminuria is that a large amount of delicate and dense foam will appear on the surface of the urine, and it will not dissipate easily.
In clinical view, proteinuria is not only a signal of renal injury, but also accelerates the development of renal failure and promotes the progression of nephrosis to uremia.
3. Oliguria
Under normal circumstances, the urine discharged every day is about 1500-2000ml, which can change briefly with the increase and decrease of drinking water, diet, and large amount of sweating.
However, if the symptoms of oliguria appear in the near future, namely, the 24-hour urine volume is less than 400ml, or the urine volume per hour is less than 17ml, it needs to be highly vigilant, especially the oligouria with proteinuria and edema, which is often the signal that renal failure has arrived.
4. No urine
The so-called no urine is not to say that the patient has no urine discharge completely, but the total urine production of the patients within 24 hours is less than 100ml.
This kind of situation, generally related to renal tubular necrosis, insufficient glomerular perfusion and other reasons, which is a typical uremia. If the patient does not actively treat, the urination can not be formed and discharged. A large number of harmful substances accumulate in the body, and the patients may also face more serious problems, even organ failure and death!
The above four manifestations are probably signals that the kidney has been damaged. Especially in the normal diet and eating, the urine discharge suddenly decreases. It is necessary to be highly alert to whether it is caused by renal failure. It is necessary to go to medical examination actively.
Once diagnosed as chronic renal failure, no matter in any stage, we should actively control the development of the disease and avoid causing more harm to the body.
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