The man waist acid is weak, the kidney qi insufficiency! 3 kinds of ingredients, eat some every day, strong waist kidney, tonifying essence

Chinese men attach great importance to their kidneys, because strong kidneys represent strong and energetic bodies. What they are most afraid of is to hear doctors say that they lack kidney qi. The kidney qi in traditional Chinese medicine refers to the functional activities of the kidney, mainly manifested in the ability of reproduction, growth and development, which is different from the kidney in western medicine. So what will happen to men with insufficient Kidney Qi?

First of all, the deficiency of kidney qi is a kind of disease in the scope of traditional Chinese medicine, which refers to the problem of the activity function of the kidney, which affects the normal operation of the body and can not play the role of fixation and sealing. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that kidney qi is directly related to aging and longevity.

When the adult male kidney qi deficiency, there will be the following physical changes.

1. The taste is getting heavier

People with deficiency of kidney qi like to eat some food with heavy taste, such as pepper. This is because the spleen and stomach function of patients is weak, which leads to the weakening of taste. Eating some food with heavy taste can increase kidney qi to help the spleen and stomach transport. This situation can only explain the deficiency of kidney qi.

2. Premature greying of hair (canities)

In daily life, we can see that many men are young but have white hair. Some think it is related to food and water, others think that it is too stressful, and some even think that they are too smart and worry too much.

In fact, it is not the case. The cause of ShaoBaiTou is the deficiency of kidney qi. In traditional Chinese medicine, hair is the essence of kidney. If you have white hair before the age of 30, then it's time to check, don't let the kidney qi deficiency hurt the body.

3. Backache and fatigue

After exercise, getting up in the morning and having sex, there will be slight shaking of legs and lumbosacral soreness. These symptoms are also caused by insufficient kidney qi.

4. Cold limbs

When the weather is cold, the hands and feet will be cold, and even the knee joint will be soreness and fatigue, which is also due to the deficiency of kidney qi.

Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to nourishing the lung in autumn and kidney in winter. If the kidney is not well cultivated in winter, the kidney essence will not accumulate, and the essence will not reach the limbs, so people will naturally have cold limbs.

The deficiency of kidney qi indicates that the balance of the body has been broken, and the imbalance of yin and Yang in the body. At this time, the most important thing is to replenish the kidney qi, so how to replenish the kidney qi?

Keep in mind the three ingredients, eat a little every day, strengthen the waist and kidney, replenish the essence!

1. Chinese wolfberry

Chinese wolfberry has both edible and medicinal value. if you want to tonify kidney qi, Chinese wolfberry is the best choice, but it should be noted that there are many kinds of Chinese wolfberry, and Ningxia wolfberry is the only one with medicinal value recorded in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia. The method of eating is very simple, about 20 tablets at a time, you can eat it directly or soak in water. If you insist on taking it, you can replenish lost kidney qi.

2. Black sesame

The kidney is classified as black in the theory of the five elements of traditional Chinese medicine. So black food can enter the kidney, can play the role of tonifying kidney and tonifying qi. Black sesame sweet and flat can nourish the kidney, nourish blood and moisten dryness.

Usage: after stir-frying and take half a teaspoon a day for more than half a year.

3. Black bean

It is well known that black beans can tonify kidney qi. Black beans for kidney yin deficiency and liver kidney yin deficiency has a good effect, but also can detumescence diuresis. There are many ways to eat black beans, such as stewing crucian carp with black beans and soaking black beans with vinegar. According to their own way to eat, also need long-term consumption.

There are also many health care drugs on the market that can supplement kidney qi, replenish qi and prolong life. But tonifying kidney qi is still recommended to take tonic food as the main method, because the deficiency of kidney qi is only a pathological manifestation, which does not mean that you have been ill.

In addition to the above three kinds of food materials, there are lotus seeds, oysters, litchi and other foods that can supplement kidney qi. No matter which one you choose, you should insist on eating a little every day to strengthen the kidney and keep fit.

The man waist acid is weak, the kidney qi insufficiency! 3 kinds of ingredients, eat some every day, strong waist kidney, tonifying essence The man waist acid is weak, the kidney qi insufficiency! 3 kinds of ingredients, eat some every day, strong waist kidney, tonifying essence Reviewed by kairos999 on April 24, 2021 Rating: 5

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