Perennial vegetarian, but found fatty liver! The doctor shook his head: it's not that simple. Maybe the problem is here

When it comes to fatty liver, what do you think of first? Maybe it's obesity and eating too much meat!

In our view, fatty liver is nothing more than the accumulation of excessive fat in the liver, and how to make it accumulate too much fat, then only eating meat and obesity can do it.

Therefore, there are many normal weight, perennial vegetarian people, will blindly think that they will not suffer from fatty liver, liver is certainly healthy. However, the ideal is very full, but the reality is very bony!

According to the authoritative clinical data survey, nearly 40% of the patients with fatty liver in the world are not overweight people, and even 1 / 5 of them are underweight people. So the question is, why do you still suffer from fatty liver if you are a vegetarian all the year round?

First of all, we need to understand what is fatty liver disease!

Fatty liver refers to the accumulation of excessive fat in liver cells due to various reasons. It is not an independent disease, but a pathological change of liver.

Data survey shows that fatty liver is a chronic liver disease with high incidence in recent years in China. Its incidence rate is second only to viral hepatitis. The incidence rate is still rising and patients are getting younger.

According to clinical studies, obesity is a high-risk factor and an important cause of fatty liver. The accumulation of fat in the liver of obese people is proportional to their weight, and nearly 50% of patients with fatty liver are complicated with obesity. To patients with severe obesity, the probability of fatty liver reached 90%, and after weight loss, symptoms will gradually ease!

However, obesity is not the only risk factor for fatty liver, perennial vegetarian is also very dangerous!

Whether it is excessive diet to lose weight, perennial vegetarian, can cause the emergence of fatty liver.

First of all, in the case of excessive diet restriction, in order to better operation and sufficient energy supply, the body will increase the fat stored in the body in a short time, consume glutathione in the liver, and lead to a large increase of malondialdehyde and lipid peroxide in the liver, and then damage liver cells.

At the same time, it seems healthy to eat vegetarian for a long time, but in fact, no kind of food can meet the overall nutritional needs of the body. Vegetarianism may supplement trace elements, vitamins and other ingredients, but it will lead to protein deficiency and malnutrition in the body. And the serious lack of protein is the most important cause of fatty liver!

You know, the liver is also a part of the digestive system, its role is to secrete bile, digest fat, fat soluble vitamins and other substances. At the same time, nutrients absorbed into the blood also need to be synthesized and stored again through the liver.

If there is a serious lack of protein in the body, the liver will not be able to synthesize apolipoprotein normally, resulting in a large number of triglycerides into the liver but can not be transformed, eventually forming a fatty liver!

In addition, there is another point that vegetarians tend to ignore, that is drinking!

Fatty liver can be divided into alcoholic and nonalcoholic in clinic. According to the data survey, nearly 75 ~ 95% of the long-term heavy drinkers have different degrees of fatty infiltration in liver biopsy.

And the daily drinking more than 80 ~ 160 grams of people, the incidence of alcoholic fatty liver will increase by 5 ~ 25 times!

Therefore, in our daily life, we must not think that fatty liver is the patent of fat people.

If you have a long-term unhealthy, malnourished diet, or a large number of drinking habits, even if you are a normal weight, lean people, fatty liver will not let you go. Therefore, it is necessary to treat fatty liver correctly and learn how to prevent it.

Perennial vegetarian, but found fatty liver! The doctor shook his head: it's not that simple. Maybe the problem is here Perennial vegetarian, but found fatty liver! The doctor shook his head: it's not that simple. Maybe the problem is here Reviewed by kairos999 on April 14, 2021 Rating: 5

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