People with thick blood usually have 5 "hobbies"! If you don't want the blood vessel to be blocked, you need to get rid of it as soon as possible

Blood viscosity is clinically known as hyperviscosity, which is a kind of chronic disease that the middle-aged and old people are more prone to suffer from. The decline of platelet function, abnormal number of blood cells, high blood glucose and blood lipid values are the causes of blood viscosity.

Some people say that "nourishing blood is nourishing life". This is true at all. If a person's blood becomes too thick, it is easy to form thrombosis. When thrombosis occurs in the heart, lung or brain, the threat to people's life will be greatly increased, and the quality of life will also be greatly affected.

Most people with thick blood have the following five common hobbies. If they don't want blood vessels blocked, it's better to get rid of them in time.

1. Don't like to drink plain boiled water

Drinking water is something everyone has to do every day, because only when the body keeps enough water, can it maintain normal metabolism, so that the toxins in the body can be discharged, so that the body can maintain health.

If a person usually drinks less water or often uses soup, strong tea, fruit juice and other drinks instead of drinking water, it is easy to cause blood vessels not to fully nourish the blood and become excessively sticky.

To know that water is known as a universal diluent, especially drinking pure water can obviously dilute the blood and improve the vascular environment. A person should try his best to keep the amount of drinking water at about 2000 ml every day, so as to maintain his health.

2. Sedentary

Due to the busy work and study, the amount of time people usually spend on activities is greatly reduced, especially for some workers, drivers, white-collar workers, students and so on, who often sit all day.

If you sit still for a long time, you will not only have no way to exercise the bones, muscles and ligaments of your body, but also your constitution will become worse and worse, which will slow down the blood circulation and make your metabolism worse.

Over time, the blood will become more viscous, circulation speed will become slower, easy to form thrombosis.

3. Often eat high-fat, high salt food

It's everyone's pleasure to enjoy delicious food. Most delicious food tastes heavy, especially hot pot, barbecue, spicy hot and so on, which contain a lot of fat and salt.

And often eat this kind of food will lead to excessive body fat and salt intake, make people's vascular elasticity weak, blood lipids higher and higher, blood become more and more viscous, over time is easy to cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

In addition, often eating sweets will also lead to excessive sugar intake, sugar in the body, quickly converted into fat, make people's blood become more viscous, not conducive to human health.

4. Smoking

Many people have the habit of smoking. When cigarettes are burned, they will release more than 4000 substances, including carbon monoxide, nicotine and other harmful substances.

A large amount of smoking for a long time will lead to excessive intake of harmful gas. The gas will not only stimulate the respiratory system of the human body, but also cause different degrees of damage to the human body as the blood circulates to the whole body. There are more and more harmful substances in the blood, which will also make the blood become more and more viscous, increasing the incidence of cardiovascular disease and cancer.

5. Drinking

Many people have the habit of drinking, some people even drink some wine three meals a day, and even blindly think that drinking can keep health.

Indeed, drinking a small amount of wine can speed up the blood circulation of the whole body, dilate blood vessels and help metabolism. But even so, after drinking alcohol, people also need to metabolize through the liver. In this process, liver cells will be damaged, which is easy to cause liver discomfort.

In particular, a large number of long-term drinking will lead to repeated expansion of blood vessels, the elasticity of blood vessel wall is getting worse and worse, and there are more and more lipids in the blood, which will also cause the occurrence of blood viscosity and thrombosis, and seriously threaten people's health.

If you want to keep your blood healthy, you should correct the above five habits in time and try your best to keep a healthy diet and living habits. Only in this way can you ensure the smooth circulation of blood in the whole body, maintain the normal metabolic function of the body and reduce the incidence of thrombosis.

Once you find that you often experience dizziness, numbness, and abnormal eyesight, it is best to go to a regular hospital for an examination. If you find abnormalities in blood vessels or blood, you should receive treatment in time according to the doctor’s advice, and strengthen your daily health care. The state of the body remains stable.

People with thick blood usually have 5 "hobbies"! If you don't want the blood vessel to be blocked, you need to get rid of it as soon as possible People with thick blood usually have 5 "hobbies"! If you don't want the blood vessel to be blocked, you need to get rid of it as soon as possible Reviewed by kairos999 on April 19, 2021 Rating: 5

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