A good stomach has a long life, and four tips for nourishing the stomach should be kept in mind

The first move

Eat on time, fixed quantity, eat a good breakfast, 70% or 80% full, avoid overeating

It has become a habit of many people not to eat if they are not hungry. In a hurry in the morning, it is a bad habit to go to work before you have time for breakfast; when you get to work, you must wait until you finish your work before you go to dinner. Generally, three meals a day with an interval of 4-6 hours apart, the gastrointestinal function is the most efficient and the food is digested and absorbed most fully. The stomach and intestines have their own schedule. When eating three meals a day, the stomach and intestines will automatically secrete gastric acid and protease to wait for the arrival of the food. If you do not pay attention to the meal time, often hungry a full meal, it is easy to destroy the normal digestive and secretory rhythm of the stomach. In the long run, the stomach wall will become thinner and even increase the risk of stomach perforation. In fact, the stay time of food in the stomach is about 4-5 hours. When people feel hungry, the stomach has already been emptied. At this time, the gastric juice will "self-digest" the gastric mucosa, which can easily cause gastritis and peptic ulcer. Often hungry to eat, will cause hypoglycemia, and even cause coma, shock.

Similarly, quantitative meals are also very important to maintain gastrointestinal function. Everyone should "eat well in the morning, eat enough at noon, and eat less in the evening". In addition, when overeating, the burden of the gastrointestinal tract will be increased, beyond the normal range they can bear, the gastrointestinal peristalsis is limited, and the normal physiological function of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted, leading to the occurrence of dyspepsia.

The second move

Avoid certain foods, eat less spicy, cold, and sour food, quit smoking, alcohol, coffee, and strong tea

The harm of cold food can not be underestimated. We should be responsible for our own health. First of all, it can damage our spleen and stomach function. We all know that millet porridge can nourish the stomach, and drinking brown sugar water is also very nutritious. Generally speaking, the food that nourishes the stomach is warm and hot, and too cold food can cause gastrointestinal spasm, especially in winter, eat more warm food, which is conducive to digestion and absorption by the stomach.

The ancients said that "light tea and warm drink most nourish people". The high concentration of caffeine and theophylline in coffee and strong tea can increase the excitability of central nervous system, and then accelerate gastric peristalsis, hypersecretion of gastric parietal cells, increase of gastric acid, and strengthen stimulation of gastric mucosa, which may easily lead to gastric ulcer. And caffeine can also make people addicted, forming a vicious circle.

The third move

An hour after a meal, an appropriate amount of exercise can promote digestion and absorption and prevent constipation.

First of all, half an hour after the meal, mainly rest, sit still, family and friends talk about some happy topics after dinner, not only maintain a good mood, but also ensure the best digestion of food. Secondly, 1 to 1.5 hours after a meal, the peak of food digestion is basically over, and general exercise, such as brisk walking and jogging, can be carried out slowly. Two hours after the meal, digestion basically comes to an end, the body enters a stage of stable balance, and it is also the most energetic period of time, when it is the best time to run with greater intensity and play basketball and other sports.

The fourth move

Persist in soaking feet, unobstructing meridians and collaterals, and enhance metabolism

Drinking water in the morning and washing feet before going to bed are good methods for health care. Soak feet in hot water for 15 minutes a day can play a health care role. Immerse your feet in hot water at 40 ℃ for about 15-20 minutes, and the Qi and blood of the whole body will run rapidly. According to traditional Chinese medicine, foot is the starting and ending point of foot three yin channels and foot three yang meridians, which is closely related to all the organs and meridians of the whole body. Soaking feet with hot water can adjust the function of viscera and enhance the constitution.

A good stomach has a long life, and four tips for nourishing the stomach should be kept in mind A good stomach has a long life, and four tips for nourishing the stomach should be kept in mind Reviewed by kairos999 on December 15, 2020 Rating: 5

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