For men with poor kidneys, don't refuse 3 kinds of black food, eat once every other day, nourish kidney and replenish essence, stimulate male hormones

As we all know, the kidney is an important organ responsible for metabolism in the body, which can expel some garbage impurities from the body by shooting urine, so as to ensure the normal operation of the body.

But for men, the function of the kidney is far more than these. Men with good kidney not only have stable kidney source, sufficient kidney qi, but also have higher sleep quality, so their physique is usually stronger.

If the kidney has problems, it will appear night urine, back pain symptoms.

Therefore, men should keep healthy as soon as possible. They should not only change some bad life behaviors in life, but also pay attention to their own diet. They can eat more food with nourishing kidney function.

Among the numerous foods, black food corresponds to the natural color of the kidney. It is easy to enter the kidney after entering the human body, so black food is the best for health preservation. So what kind of food do men eat in life, can nourish kidney? Let's learn about it together.

1. Black beans

If the man kidney deficiency, sleep at night more urine, and in the morning will appear back pain phenomenon, then in the diet can eat more black beans. Because there are some nutrients such as riboflavin in black beans, these substances can play a role in fixing the kidney, which is conducive to nourishing the kidney source, timely replenishing kidney qi, and can alleviate the symptoms of male kidney deficiency to a certain extent.

When you eat black beans, you can soak them in vinegar, which can nourish the kidney and relieve the pain in the back and legs. It has a very good effect of nourishing the kidney. You can also put some black beans on the porridge or cooking.

2. Black Wolfberry (Black Goji Berries)

Black wolfberry is also a common health food, it contains anthocyanins can remove free radicals, and through clinical research found that black wolfberry can play an exciting effect on human sexual function. Therefore, in ordinary times, the appropriate use of black wolfberry for men can enhance sexual function, so as to promote men's health and have a good effect of strengthening yang.

But if you want to tonify the kidney through black wolfberry, you must first know how to use black wolfberry. Then in the usual porridge, or in the process of cooking, put a handful of black wolfberry, you can also use  black wolfberry as stuffing, making dumplings, steamed buns, or as ordinary food to eat, just like eating snacks. But when eating black wolfberry can not take too much, or it may cause certain harm to the body.

3. Black Mulberry

In traditional Chinese medicine, black mulberry is sweet and cold, it contains more manganese, often eat not only can improve the activity of enzymes, but also can enhance the secretion of growth hormone and sex hormone. In addition, long-term consumption of black mulberry also has a better effect of strengthening yang.

When eating black mulberry, you can make porridge together with glutinous rice, and then add appropriate rock sugar, which can nourish blood and eyesight, nourish liver and kidney, and relieve intestinal constipation, vision loss and dizziness.

It can also be made into black mulberry sesame cake with appropriate amount of black sesame, rice flour and glutinous rice flour. This kind of collocation can play the role of tonifying liver and kidney, strengthening spleen and stomach, and is more suitable for people with weak spleen and stomach, deficiency of body and dryness of intestines.

In addition, the black mulberry seeds can also be stirred into juice, and then mixed with cooked glutinous rice to make black mulberry glutinous rice wine. When drinking, it can be taken by boiling water, which has the function of improving the ears and eyes and tonifying the liver and kidney.

To sum up, men's health care should start with the kidney. They can eat more black beans, black mulberry and black wolfberry on their diet, which is more beneficial to the health of the kidney. Like black rice, black buckwheat can also play a role in replenishing kidney qi, so men with poor kidney often eat some black food, and the kidney will slowly recover to a healthy state.

In life, men should not develop a bad habit of holding urine, and do not bear to have urine, because when the urine stored in the bladder reaches a certain level, it will cause certain stimulation to the nervous system and form micturition reflex. If you often hold urine, it will cause turbid urine, which will damage the kidney and affect the health of the body.

In addition, men should avoid overwork in life and keep enough sleep time. Sleep can also play an important role in the maintenance of kidney essence.

For men with poor kidneys, don't refuse 3 kinds of black food, eat once every other day, nourish kidney and replenish essence, stimulate male hormones For men with poor kidneys, don't refuse 3 kinds of black food, eat once every other day, nourish kidney and replenish essence, stimulate male hormones Reviewed by kairos999 on December 11, 2020 Rating: 5

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