The "vacuum cleaner" of the lung has been found, but it is not pear. I often eat these three kinds of food to moisten the lung and expel poison!

Nowadays, air pollution is more serious, whether it is factory emissions or car exhaust and second-hand smoke, more or less will lead to lung garbage toxin residues. And in order not to let the lung damage more and more serious, at this time we should eat more lung moistening food, in order to make the lung become more healthy.

For example, the following ingredients have the effect of moistening the lung and expelling toxins. They have the reputation of "lung vacuum cleaner". If you eat some every day, your lungs will be cleaner and cleaner.

1. Apple

Apple is rich in nutrients, which can supplement the trace elements needed by human body. To a certain extent, apple can be said to be an all-round fruit. This kind of fruit tastes sweet and cool, and has the effect of clearing away heat and toxin, generating fluid and stopping thirst. In addition, apple can also reduce cholesterol and prevent arteriosclerosis and other diseases.

However, the most magical effect of apple is actually detoxification and lung moistening, because the peel contains a substance called quercetin, which can protect the lungs from viruses and prevent respiratory diseases.

2. Tremella fuciformis (Snow fungus)

I believe everyone is familiar with Tremella. Tremella can be said to be a natural beauty food because it is rich in vitamins and collagen, which can promote metabolism and make skin more smooth and tender.

In addition, this kind of food is also very helpful for nourishing and moistening the lung. The reason is that it is rich in glia, which can help us remove harmful substances from the body, so as to reduce the burden on the liver. In this case, the detoxification function of the liver will be strengthened.

3. Eleocharis dulcis (Water chestnut)

Eleocharis dulcis is a common food, and some people call it water chestnut. This kind of food is rich in nutrients, which can promote the metabolism of sugar, protein and fat in the body, and also has the function of generating body fluid, moistening lung and resolving phlegm.

In addition, this kind of food can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and increase defecation. The main reason is that it contains starch and crude protein, which can help constipated people overcome constipation difficulties. Water chestnut can also regulate the internal acid-base balance, help digestion, diuresis and detoxification.

The most important thing is that Eleocharis dulcis contains a substance called water chestnut, which has certain inhibitory effect on Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and so on, so as to better prevent colds.

Of course, in addition to the three ingredients mentioned above, which can help us clean up the garbage in our lungs, there are many foods in our life that can nourish and moisten our lungs, such as the following.

1. Loquat

Loquat is rich in nutrition, has the effect of moistening lung, relieving cough, clearing heat and detoxifying, and can moisten the five internal organs. For long-term smokers, often eating loquat can also protect the respiratory tract mucosa, and effectively reduce the harm of harmful gases in tobacco to the body.

2. Lemon

This kind of fruit is rich in vitamins and a variety of nutrients, its special high alkaline performance can effectively eliminate lung toxins, the most important is that it contains citric acid and organic acid, which can help the lung detoxification.

All in all, it's very important to protect the health of the lungs. If you don't know what you can eat to clean up the garbage in your lungs, you might as well try these foods mentioned above. As long as you persist, I believe your lungs will become cleaner and cleaner.

Of course, we usually have to take precautions from other aspects, the first is not to smoke, and the second is to wear a mask when going out in haze weather in order to prevent harmful substances in the air from being inhaled into the lungs.

The "vacuum cleaner" of the lung has been found, but it is not pear. I often eat these three kinds of food to moisten the lung and expel poison! The "vacuum cleaner" of the lung has been found, but it is not pear. I often eat these three kinds of food to moisten the lung and expel poison! Reviewed by kairos999 on December 26, 2020 Rating: 5

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