Obviously brush your teeth every day, why is it still smelly when you open your mouth? There are two reasons behind it, which can not be ignored

I believe that many people have encountered a common problem in life, that is bad breath.

At this time, we can't help wondering why we brush our teeth every morning and evening, but this still happens?

Halitosis is actually a signal sent by our body. Even when we brush our teeth seriously and use mouthwash frequently, we still have such problems. We should be alert. It is likely that oral or gastrointestinal diseases are making trouble.

1. Oral diseases

Although some people brush their teeth every day, if they do not use the correct way or do not brush them in place, they will have food residues in their mouth and produce bad smell when they are decomposed by bacteria.

Of course, if the cleaning is not in place for a long time, it is easy to induce oral diseases such as gingivitis, dental caries and periodontitis, and these diseases will create a favorable environment for bacterial reproduction, thus worsening halitosis.

2. Gastrointestinal diseases

If you are troubled by gastrointestinal diseases, food will stay in the large intestine and stomach for a long time, and then produce the smell of corruption, which is emitted from the mouth.

In addition, common reflux esophagitis and other gastrointestinal diseases can also lead to pathological halitosis. When this disease occurs, vomit may adhere to the mouth and throat. If it is not cleaned up in time, acid gas will be released continuously.

Of course, the formation of halitosis is not only affected by oral and gastrointestinal diseases, but also by the following diseases.

1. Diabetes

If you have diabetes, your mouth will smell like rotten apples.

The reason for this phenomenon is that the patient's blood sugar level is too high to control the ketone body of fat decomposition at the first time. Over time, there will be an acidic taste in the mouth.

2. Liver failure

In the case of liver failure, the ability of liver to decompose toxins decreases, which leads to the increase of blood content in the body, and eventually leads to a slightly sweet odor of excreta in the patients.

Not only that, in the case of liver failure, the ability of amino acid metabolism will be weakened, which will cause rotten apple halitosis.

3. Uremia

As we all know, uremia is a very serious malignant disease.

In the process of the development of the disease, the function of the kidney gradually lost, the patient can not urinate normally, the body will accumulate a large number of toxins and harmful substances, thus the patient exhaled gas will have a urine smell.

If you want to prevent or improve halitosis, I suggest you do the following two things.

First, pay attention to oral hygiene

The premise of ensuring oral hygiene is to brush teeth in the right way. First of all, we must ensure that the time of brushing teeth is kept at three minutes. In addition to brushing the surface of teeth, we also need to brush tongue coating.

Of course, in the case of inadequate cleaning, regular tooth cleaning can reduce food residues, prevent the growth of bacteria in the mouth, and avoid the problem of bad breath.

Second, do not drink cold drinks and excessively sweet foods

Canned drinks, cold drinks and foods with high sugar content sold on the market will breed bad bacteria in the mouth and intestines and stomach, resulting in peculiar smell.

To sum up, in addition to bad breath caused by improper brushing, oral and gastrointestinal diseases are also important causes. Therefore, we need to solve the problem, such as paying attention to oral hygiene, in order to prevent the occurrence of oral diseases.

In addition, we should also control our diet, not eating too cold and too sweet food.

Of course, on weekdays, we also need to ensure adequate water intake, so as to promote the salivary glands to secrete saliva, and play the role of flushing the oral cavity.

Obviously brush your teeth every day, why is it still smelly when you open your mouth? There are two reasons behind it, which can not be ignored Obviously brush your teeth every day, why is it still smelly when you open your mouth? There are two reasons behind it, which can not be ignored Reviewed by kairos999 on March 10, 2021 Rating: 5

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