"Natural hypnotics" are just four of them! If you want to fall asleep quickly without insomnia, you might as well take some before going to bed

When it comes to insomnia, maybe everyone has such a crazy time. They are so sleepy that they seem to be able to sleep when they touch the bed, but they can't sleep for a long time when they lie on the bed. No matter how hard they toss and turn, they can't sleep. They have to get up and do something else. When they finally feel sleepy, it's almost dawn.

To this end, many people spend a variety of efforts, trying to find a way to help solve insomnia things, such as aromatherapy, such as listening to music, such as counting stars, but each method seems to have no good effect.

In fact, there is no shortage of "natural sleeping pills" around us. Take a little of these foods before going to bed so that you can sleep on your bed and it is not a dream.

1. Raisins

Raisins, as the name suggests, are preserved fruits made from grapes after drying. They are also rich in nutrients, vitamins, trace elements and various minerals. Among them, vitamin E has good antioxidation, can remove free radicals of human body, prevent serious damage to skin caused by ultraviolet rays, and improve skin condition.

The most important thing is that raisins contain melatonin, which is a substance that can mediate human sleep cycle and improve sleep quality, and has good curative effect on insomnia.

Therefore, people with insomnia might as well eat a few raisins before going to bed, or drink raisins with warm water, adhere to a period of time, can effectively improve sleep conditions. Improve sleep quality and treat insomnia.

2. Passion fruit

Passion fruit is a common fruit in our life. It is rich in nutrients, including vitamins, minerals and trace elements. It has many benefits to the body, and its taste is sour and sweet, so it is loved by many people.

Passion fruit contains many fragrance ingredients, which can calm the nerves, relieve the body's nervous mood and pressure, improve sleep condition and sleep quality, and has good sleep calming effect.

Therefore, people with insomnia might as well eat a passion fruit before going to bed at night, or drink a cup of warm water with passion fruit pulp, which is very helpful for insomnia symptoms and can improve sleep conditions.

3. Walnut

Since ancient times, because of its shape like brain, walnut is considered to be able to brain food, many parents often give their children to eat walnut, in order to help children brain function.

In fact, in addition to brain tonic, walnut is also a kind of natural sleeping pills, it can relieve the body's nerves, relieve mental pressure, make people easier to sleep, can effectively improve the symptoms of insomnia.

Therefore, people with insomnia at home might as well keep walnuts, especially the elderly and children, should eat more walnuts, which can help the elderly prevent dementia, improve children's memory, and effectively improve the symptoms of insomnia.

4. Dried lily

Dried lily is a kind of food with high medicinal value. It has curative effect on nervous tension, blood circulation and cough weakness. It can calm the mind, promote blood circulation and relieve cough.

For people with insomnia, dried lily is a very suitable food to eat before going to bed, it can improve the mental state of the human body, make the human body in a comfortable and relaxed state, can help improve sleep conditions, improve sleep quality.

Therefore, often insomnia people might as well eat an appropriate amount of dried lily before going to bed, adhere to a period of time can see the effect of insomnia symptoms.

In a word, insomnia is more or less unavoidable, especially in modern society, people's life and work pressure are very big. Therefore, in our daily life, we can often eat some foods that help us sleep, such as the four foods listed above.

"Natural hypnotics" are just four of them! If you want to fall asleep quickly without insomnia, you might as well take some before going to bed "Natural hypnotics" are just four of them! If you want to fall asleep quickly without insomnia, you might as well take some before going to bed Reviewed by kairos999 on March 07, 2021 Rating: 5

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