Nourish the lungs first in the winter regimen! The cold wave is coming, I advise you to eat more of these 4 foods to moisturize the lungs and relieve cough

I don't know if you have this feeling. Why is it so cold this winter?

Just into the new year, a large-scale cold wave swept across the country, North and south of the river are shouting cold! Even in Beijing, the temperature dropped to - 19.5% in the early morning of last Thursday, breaking the record of the coldest morning in Beijing in 1966.

After a little cold, it indicates that the weather will enter the cold winter, and the cold winter season is when a variety of viruses and microorganisms are rampant. A little carelessness may cause respiratory diseases, such as influenza, pneumonia, tracheitis, etc., affecting the lung function.

For patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, more attention should be paid when the cold wave comes.

The prevalence of respiratory diseases, the epidemic continues, hypothermia is also a threat to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular patients.

In a hospital emergency center in Shanghai, 111 beds are almost full, most of them are cardiovascular and cerebrovascular patients caused by cold weather.

Scientific research shows that the incidence rate of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases is 40% higher in winter than in summer. When the temperature is lower than 5%, the average increase of blood pressure is 10 mmHg for every 10 ℃ drop of temperature. With the decrease of temperature, the incidence of myocardial infarction is also increasing.

People with bad lungs really have to be careful in winter.

As the most important source of oxygen for human body, lung health will directly determine the life span of the people. Now the air quality is far less than before, and the damage to the lung is very serious. Moreover, many people smoke, which makes the incidence rate of lung cancer higher and higher.

After the winter solstice, cold weather, frequent haze, a variety of pathogens are extremely active, a little carelessness will lead to lung disease, if not timely and correct treatment, it is easy to cause lung damage.

When the cold weather is approaching, how to scientifically raise the lung?

For patients with cardiopulmonary insufficiency, winter is also the risk period of cough. Due to the dry weather, it is not conducive to respiratory health.

Coupled with cold weather, more likely to cause cough, phlegm and other symptoms.

It is the so-called "winter health first lung", so in our daily life, we might as well eat these four kinds of food, heat, lung, cough phlegm.

Four kinds of food for lung:

1. Snow pear

Snow pear nourishes the lungs, has been used in ancient China, and rock sugar can be made into rock sugar snow pear, has a long history.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that snow pear has the effect of clearing heat and moistening lung, reducing fire and detoxification, cooling heart and eliminating phlegm. Modern medical research has confirmed that snow pear has the effect of relieving cough and resolving phlegm, moistening lung and clearing dryness, nourishing blood and promoting muscle, and has good effect on respiratory diseases.

In addition, Snow pear also has the functions of lowering blood pressure, nourishing blood and muscle, nourishing yin and clearing heat. It is suitable for patients with hypertension, hepatitis and liver cirrhosis, especially in autumn and winter.

However, Snow pear is cold and should not be eaten too much at a time, especially for patients with blood deficiency, abdominal cold pain and spleen stomach deficiency, otherwise it may increase the disease.

2. Tremella fuciformis (Snow fungus)

It is rich in amino acids, vitamins and minerals, which can help the human body to resist external invasion.

In addition, tremella fuciformis has many functions, such as moistening lung and relieving cough, supplementing qi and clearing intestines, tonifying spleen and appetizing stomach, nourishing yin and nourishing face, moistening skin and removing dryness, etc.

3. White radish

Radish has a long history of cultivation in China, and is widely used in traditional Chinese medicine dietotherapy.

In traditional Chinese medicine, white radish is considered to be golden. It enters the lung meridian and has the effect of detoxifying, promoting body fluid, eliminating diseases and moistening the lung. It is mainly used for treating lung heat, lung flaccidity and phlegm.

Now medical research shows that white radish contains mustard oil, amylase and crude fiber, which has the functions of relieving cough and resolving phlegm, promoting digestion and enhancing appetite. It is a kind of food with delicious taste, low price and homologous medicine and food.

4. Almond

Almond is the seed of apricot or Armeniaca sibirica. It contains rich nutrition, such as protein, oil, carbohydrate, calcium, phosphorus, iron, selenium and a variety of vitamins. It has many functions, such as antitussive, antiasthmatic, enhancing human immunity, brain tonifying, anti-cancer and so on.

Almond is divided into bitter almond and sweet almond, which have different emphasis on the maintenance function of human lung: sweet almond has the functions of maintaining lung qi, moistening lung, eliminating phlegm, etc., which is suitable for patients with chronic cough due to lung deficiency.

Bitter almond has the effect of relieving cough and asthma, moistening intestines and defecating. It is suitable for patients with cough and asthma, chest full of phlegm.

The above four kinds of food, clearing heat and moistening lung, relieving cough and resolving phlegm, have the effect of nourishing lung. You may as well eat more in daily life.

In addition, more attention should be paid to sports and keeping warm, which is very helpful for the prevention of lung diseases.

Nourish the lungs first in the winter regimen! The cold wave is coming, I advise you to eat more of these 4 foods to moisturize the lungs and relieve cough Nourish the lungs first in the winter regimen! The cold wave is coming, I advise you to eat more of these 4 foods to moisturize the lungs and relieve cough Reviewed by kairos999 on March 21, 2021 Rating: 5

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