Hypoglycemic in winter, these 5 kinds of fruits, it is recommended to eat, more help to stabilize blood sugar

Autumn and winter are very dry, and water loss in our bodies is also very serious. It is precisely because of the lower temperature that our bodies can not adapt to this low temperature environment, and there will be many diseases in the respiratory system.

In autumn and winter, many people are willing to eat fruit, because it can supplement the necessary water for our body. But speaking of fruit, for those patients with high blood sugar, they dare not eat it.

Mr. Li has been suffering from diabetes for three years. One of the most painful things for him in these three years is that he can't eat fruit often. He used to be a fruit lover, but for his own health, he can only insist on gritting his teeth. Although the process is very painful, his blood sugar has been maintained well in recent years. In fact, Mr. Li's practice may not be completely correct.

In winter, we can eat some fruits properly, which is helpful to our health.

Winter hypoglycemic, these 5 kinds of fruits, it is recommended to eat, more help to stabilize blood sugar:

1. Mandarin orange

For those with diabetes, it's a luxury to want to eat fruit. But that doesn't mean you can't eat at all. Just follow the doctor's advice and eat healthier fruits, such as mandarin orange. Mandarin orange pulp contains a lot of nutrients, and mandarin orange peel can also help us clear away heat and reduce fire, which is also good for our health.

2. Apple

Apple is a very common fruit, it contains a lot of sugar, but it also contains pectin can help us regulate the concentration of blood sugar in the body. So in the doctor's advice, the appropriate choice to eat some apples, to help the body is also very good.

3. Pomelo

Pomelo, as a seasonal fruit in autumn and winter, is a favorite of many people. It is rich in organic acids and trace elements, which can help blood vessels become stronger. If you have high blood sugar or diabetes, you can eat some properly, which can effectively prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

4. Hawthorn

Speaking of hawthorn, maybe we don't eat too much, but ice sugar gourd must be eaten by many people. Hawthorn actually contains many effective drug ingredients, which can help us enhance myocardial blood flow, strengthen spleen and stomach, and promote our digestion. So appropriate eating can also help our health, but also to consult a doctor, do not blindly choose.

5. Kiwifruit

Kiwi fruit is a very high nutritional value fruit, it also has the corresponding medical effect. It contains a number of substances to beauty, help us accelerate metabolic capacity. So appropriate to eat some, can also effectively help us stabilize the body's blood sugar. But remember that if you're diabetic, you really can't eat too much. If you really want to eat, you can consult your doctor to choose the right amount.

To stabilize blood sugar, do two more things, can improve the metabolic capacity, help blood sugar slow down

1. Regular diet

The most important reason for many people suffering from diabetes is because of their irregular diet, overeating, resulting in our body's blood sugar suddenly increased, suddenly decreased, so that our insulin secretion problems. So if you have diabetes, the most important thing is to pay attention to your diet, so as to make our blood sugar in a stable state. Eat less and have more meals, make our body more healthy.

2. Proper exercise

In fact, if we want to control blood sugar, we can also choose the right amount of exercise. Because exercise can make our body stronger, also can help us improve the metabolism of the body, has a good help to our blood sugar stability. But at the same time, we should also remember that exercise should be moderate, never excessive exercise, excessive exercise will only make our body more affected.

Conclusion: if we want to reduce our blood sugar and stay away from diabetes, we should eat less foods with a lot of sugar, such as milk tea, bread and so on. Usually eat more healthy fruits and vegetables, can help our body to maintain a better state.

Hypoglycemic in winter, these 5 kinds of fruits, it is recommended to eat, more help to stabilize blood sugar Hypoglycemic in winter, these 5 kinds of fruits, it is recommended to eat, more help to stabilize blood sugar Reviewed by kairos999 on March 19, 2021 Rating: 5

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