How can women delay aging after the age of 45? Doctor advice: insist on "3 more, 4 don't" every day

As we all know, with the growth of age, the various functions of the human body will gradually aging.

For women, after the age of 45, most women will gradually enter menopause, ovarian function will continue to decline, estrogen secretion will continue to reduce, skin relaxation, increased spots, lack of Qi and blood problems will become more and more obvious.

Aging is a problem that many women are reluctant to face. What can we do to prolong life and delay aging?

Now let's introduce the "three more and four don't" that women should adhere to

A. More

1. Exercise more

Active exercise is the most important part of maintaining the body. Regular exercise can improve the blood circulation of the whole body, exercise cardiopulmonary function, enhance physical fitness and prevent various diseases.

For the elderly friends, we must control the amount of exercise. If the legs and feet are inconvenient, we can choose jogging as the main way of exercise, and it is best to use the cane to avoid the risk in the process of exercise.

2. Drink more water

The human body is in a state of water shortage for a long time, which is very harmful to health, especially to skin health.

Women should pay attention to replenishing water in time when they grow older, especially in the dry autumn and winter seasons. Active replenishment can also prevent colds and relieve coughs.

Women with kidney disease in drinking water must pay special attention, do not one-time water too much, so as not to increase the burden of the kidney.

3. Eat more on time

Diet has a great influence on health. Regular diet is the basic requirement to keep spleen and stomach healthy. With the growth of age, many people will face the problem of digestive function decline, spleen and stomach function decline.

If you want to take good care of your body and delay aging, women must eat regularly. For friends with weaker gastrointestinal functions, they can choose to eat less and more meals instead of overeating.

B. Don't

1. Don't stay up late

The human body can get enough rest only through high-quality sleep. Staying up late for a long time will lead to insomnia, palpitation and dreaminess, which will seriously affect the quality of sleep.

Especially for women, the impact of staying up late on endocrine is very serious, often staying up late will lead to endocrine disorders, easy to induce all kinds of gynecological diseases, accelerate the aging of the body.

2. Don't eat more high oil food

In many people's minds, high oil food can really provide nutrition for the body, this idea is wrong. In order to ensure human health, daily diet should follow the principle of meat and vegetable collocation and balanced nutrition.

Eating too much high oil food will aggravate the gastrointestinal burden, affect the digestive function, and also increase blood viscosity, leading to blood pressure and blood sugar problems.

3. Don't eat cold food

Cold food is very stimulating to the uterus and ovary. If you want to avoid premature aging, female friends must try their best to avoid eating cold food, such as common iced drinks, snacks, sorbets, ice cream, etc.

Especially in the menstrual period, we must strictly prohibit the consumption of such food, it is easy to hinder the normal discharge of menstrual blood, leading to serious dysmenorrhea, is not conducive to female gynecological health.

4. Don't get angry often

Want to delay aging, there is a very key problem, that is, we must pay attention to the control of good mood, not often angry.

Anger will seriously affect liver health, lead to metabolic disorders, female friends in daily life must release the pressure in time, try to face difficulties with an optimistic and peaceful attitude.

In order to have a strong body, we must eat regularly, replenish water in time, exercise actively, ensure adequate sleep, avoid staying up late and reduce negative emotions.

At the same time, the daily diet should pay attention to the reasonable collocation of diet, more food to promote digestion and regulate qi and blood, and in the process of eating, we must chew slowly, eat less cold, hard, acid food.

How can women delay aging after the age of 45? Doctor advice: insist on "3 more, 4 don't" every day How can women delay aging after the age of 45? Doctor advice: insist on "3 more, 4 don't" every day Reviewed by kairos999 on March 25, 2021 Rating: 5

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