Finally, the "enemy" of hyperlipidemia has been found! 5 kinds of common ingredients, ranking first is very attractive

According to some relevant data, there are about 150 million people suffering from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in China, and 2.5 million people die of such diseases every year. From this data, we can see how terrible cardiovascular diseases are, so we must be vigilant at ordinary times.

At the same time, what is more worrying is that many people know little about this kind of disease and do not know how to prevent it.

But fortunately, diet adjustment can help alleviate the disease. For example, if you eat more of these foods, it may help you control high blood fat.

1. Onion

Onion is rich in prostaglandins, trace elements and a variety of minerals, which can not only help the human body soften blood vessels, reduce blood viscosity, but also help reduce the excretion of sodium salt and other substances. We all know that sodium is also the main cause of hypertension, so eating more on weekdays can well regulate blood lipid levels and reduce blood pressure.

2. Mung bean sprouts

Many people don't know that in the process of germination, the vitamin content in mung bean sprouts is much higher than that in mung bean, and the use of vitamin itself is to expel a large amount of cholesterol from the body, so as to prevent excessive deposition of fat in the blood vessels on the wall of the tube. In addition, this kind of food itself contains rich dietary fiber, which generates cholic acid when combined with cholesterol and passes through the body It is metabolized and finally excreted from the body.

3. Apple

Many people only know that apples contain vitamins, which can help people improve their immunity.

However, apple still has the effect of absorbing excess cholesterol. The main reason is that this kind of food is rich in pectin, which can be combined with bile acid to absorb excess triglycerides and excrete them out of the body. Moreover, pectin can be combined with fructose and vitamin C to reduce blood lipid.

4. Lemon

This kind of fruit contains the most elements are vitamin C and vitamin P, both of which can enhance the elasticity and toughness of blood vessels, so as to alleviate the problem of blood coagulation.

Therefore, on weekdays, you can also eat lemon or drink with lemon water.

5. Hawthorn

Hawthorn not only contains hawthorn and a variety of organic acids, often eat can promote food digestion, prevent fat accumulation, and there is a kind of lipase, can reduce blood lipid content, and finally play a role in alleviating blood viscosity.

In addition, we need to develop good living habits in our life, which can reduce blood lipids to a healthy level. First of all, we need to drink more water, because water is the diluent of blood. Timely replenishment of water can keep blood in good circulation.

In addition, if the blood lipid is increased, the blood is easy to be viscous. At this time, replenishing water can promote blood metabolism. It's better to drink a cup of warm water after getting up in the morning, after taking a nap and before going to bed, which is more beneficial to cardiovascular health.

Another is moderate exercise. According to the research, walking fast in a short period of time can eliminate the excess blood fat in the body, and the excess heat will be consumed in the process of exercise to prevent obesity.

Generally speaking, if you are suffering from hyperlipidemia, you might as well eat more of the above mentioned foods, which can be said to be the enemy of hyperlipidemia, and may really help you stay away from the three high diseases.

However, under this premise, we should also change some bad behaviors, such as not smoking and eating food with too much salt, otherwise it will increase blood pressure, and smoking will damage blood vessels, leading to increased blood lipid.

Finally, the "enemy" of hyperlipidemia has been found! 5 kinds of common ingredients, ranking first is very attractive Finally, the "enemy" of hyperlipidemia has been found! 5 kinds of common ingredients, ranking first is very attractive Reviewed by kairos999 on February 07, 2021 Rating: 5

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