The "metabolic king" in vegetables has been found! Diabetic often eat, purify blood, blood sugar slowly down

Almost every doctor will give diabetes patients such advice: eat more vegetables and high fiber food, eat less high calorie meat and processed food. Patients often do not understand why. In fact, most vegetables contain a variety of unique nutrients, which can have a good hypoglycemic effect.

So, which vegetables are more suitable for diabetes?

Here are three great vegetables for diabetics. Often eat, not only can increase appetite, but also thirst, stable blood sugar.

Three kinds of vegetables are very suitable for diabetics. Proper diet helps to stabilize blood sugar, quench thirst and generate fluid!

1. Lettuce

A variety of minerals and dietary fiber in this vegetable can prevent vascular complications caused by diabetes.

Among them, lettuce can lower cholesterol and treat neurasthenia; dietary fiber can reduce the glycemic index after eating and prevent cardiovascular complications caused by diabetes. It is suggested that when using lettuce, we should cook with a small amount of plants, which is more conducive to the absorption of nutrients than raw food.

2. Amaranth

This vegetable is rich in magnesium.

Magnesium supplementation in diabetic patients can improve glucose tolerance, reduce insulin consumption, and help to control blood glucose. Magnesium is also good for maintaining coronary health and heart function. In addition, often eat low sodium and high potassium green amaranth, can help the body excess water out of the body, keep blood pressure stable, so high blood pressure, high sugar friends can eat more amaranth.

3. Radish

Radish is a good source of antioxidant vitamin C, vitamin C can enhance the immune system, reduce blood pressure, help wound healing, for the prevention and treatment of diabetic complications. At the same time, the amount of cellulose in radish can control blood glucose and help maintain the cellulose metabolism in the intestine. It also contains a compound called glucosinolates, which has antioxidant properties and can directly reduce liver cholesterol levels.

In addition to diet therapy, in order to better control blood sugar, diabetic patients should try to avoid these things:

1. Irregular diet

Balanced diet and normal meals are the basic requirements to ensure health. However, few people can meet this requirement. Irregular diet and overeating are equivalent to testing the body's glucose tolerance all the time, increasing the burden on the pancreas. Insulin can't be secreted by islet β cells, blood sugar will gradually increase, and diabetes will gradually form.

2. Bad mood for a long time

Emotions will affect the health of the body, especially diabetics are more vulnerable to anxiety, anger and other negative emotions, enhance the excitability of the nervous system. Bad mood will lead to increased secretion of glucocorticoid and renal glandular hormone, glucagon will increase because of the decrease of insulin, and blood glucose will also increase.

3. Blind movement

The benefits of exercise are needless to say, but due to the lack of good exercise habits, the lack of warm-up for left and right extension in exercise and the choice of inappropriate exercise have adverse effects on the body. A better choice for patients with high blood sugar is to do some aerobic exercise, such as jogging, swimming, cycling, Tai Chi and so on.

In short, eating more seasonal vegetables, especially the vegetables introduced above, is good for controlling weight and blood sugar. In addition, for patients with diabetes, we should also develop good work and rest, eating habits, and maintain an optimistic and cheerful attitude, so as to maintain the stability of blood glucose in the body and prevent the occurrence of complications.

The "metabolic king" in vegetables has been found! Diabetic often eat, purify blood, blood sugar slowly down The "metabolic king" in vegetables has been found! Diabetic often eat, purify blood, blood sugar slowly down Reviewed by kairos999 on February 02, 2021 Rating: 5

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