Can diabetics eat seafood and barbecue? Pay attention to the following points Can diabetics eat seafood and barbecue? Pay attention to the following points Reviewed by kairos999 on November 30, 2020 Rating: 5
Does 1 person get diabetes every 6 seconds? Don't want to be blind, diabetics should remember 4 abnormal visions Does 1 person get diabetes every 6 seconds? Don't want to be blind, diabetics should remember 4 abnormal visions Reviewed by kairos999 on November 29, 2020 Rating: 5
As soon as the blood sugar rises, does the feet suffer first? There are 4 phenomena in the feet, advise you to do a blood routine in time As soon as the blood sugar rises, does the feet suffer first? There are 4 phenomena in the feet, advise you to do a blood routine in time Reviewed by kairos999 on November 28, 2020 Rating: 5
It is called "longevity vegetable"! This kind of dish can be seen everywhere in the countryside. If you eat it often, you can get these benefits quickly It is called "longevity vegetable"! This kind of dish can be seen everywhere in the countryside. If you eat it often, you can get these benefits quickly Reviewed by kairos999 on November 27, 2020 Rating: 5
Diabetes doesn't come at once! These 3 parts of the body, early will "make a sound"! I hope you find out early Diabetes doesn't come at once! These 3 parts of the body, early will "make a sound"! I hope you find out early Reviewed by kairos999 on November 26, 2020 Rating: 5
Body appears 3 symptoms, represent you eat too salty! Doctor warning: eating too much salt can also get diabetes Body appears 3 symptoms, represent you eat too salty! Doctor warning: eating too much salt can also get diabetes Reviewed by kairos999 on November 25, 2020 Rating: 5
How to break high blood fat? Keep in mind the 3 kinds of food, eat it open, clean blood vessels and lower cholesterol How to break high blood fat? Keep in mind the 3 kinds of food, eat it open, clean blood vessels and lower cholesterol Reviewed by kairos999 on November 24, 2020 Rating: 5
Men with poor kidneys often have 4 manifestations on their feet! If you find one of them, you need to tonify the kidney Men with poor kidneys often have 4 manifestations on their feet! If you find one of them, you need to tonify the kidney Reviewed by kairos999 on November 23, 2020 Rating: 5
There are 4 phenomena of drinking, please put down your glass immediately! The liver may be hardened into "stones" There are 4 phenomena of drinking, please put down your glass immediately! The liver may be hardened into "stones" Reviewed by kairos999 on November 22, 2020 Rating: 5
The "strong rival" of coronary heart disease has been found! Eat more of these 3 kinds of food, clear thrombus, keep heart healthy The "strong rival" of coronary heart disease has been found! Eat more of these 3 kinds of food, clear thrombus, keep heart healthy Reviewed by kairos999 on November 21, 2020 Rating: 5
Hyperuricemia is not a sudden formation, if you find 4 abnormalities in sleep, please do a urine routine in time Hyperuricemia is not a sudden formation, if you find 4 abnormalities in sleep, please do a urine routine in time Reviewed by kairos999 on November 20, 2020 Rating: 5
As soon as the blood sugar soars, the feet suffer first? These 5 anomalies on the feet suggest that the diabetic foot is coming! As soon as the blood sugar soars, the feet suffer first? These 5 anomalies on the feet suggest that the diabetic foot is coming! Reviewed by kairos999 on November 19, 2020 Rating: 5
The killer of bad breath! Use these 4 kinds of medicine to soak in water and drink to relieve halitosis and clear stomach and intestines The killer of bad breath! Use these 4 kinds of medicine to soak in water and drink to relieve halitosis and clear stomach and intestines Reviewed by kairos999 on November 18, 2020 Rating: 5
Low amount of menstrual period? Don't panic! Eat more "2 yellows and 1 white" to supplement estrogen to make you more "feminine" Low amount of menstrual period? Don't panic! Eat more "2 yellows and 1 white" to supplement estrogen to make you more "feminine" Reviewed by kairos999 on November 17, 2020 Rating: 5
Is diabetes related to sleep? Remind again: If these 3 sleeping methods are not changed, watch out for soaring blood sugar Is diabetes related to sleep? Remind again: If these 3 sleeping methods are not changed, watch out for soaring blood sugar Reviewed by kairos999 on November 16, 2020 Rating: 5
The "natural enemy" of diabetes has been discovered! Taking a few "it" every day can not only stabilize blood sugar, but also prolong life The "natural enemy" of diabetes has been discovered! Taking a few "it" every day can not only stabilize blood sugar, but also prolong life Reviewed by kairos999 on November 15, 2020 Rating: 5
Found nodules on the thyroid? These 3 kinds of food may be "accomplices", even if you like to eat them, you should avoid them  Found nodules on the thyroid? These 3 kinds of food may be "accomplices", even if you like to eat them, you should avoid them Reviewed by kairos999 on November 14, 2020 Rating: 5
Before kidney disease "knocks", these 6 phenomena have "reminded" you many times, but you chose to ignore it Before kidney disease "knocks", these 6 phenomena have "reminded" you many times, but you chose to ignore it Reviewed by kairos999 on November 13, 2020 Rating: 5
The "killer" of Helicobacter pylori has been found! Rank first among these 5 kinds of food, many people do not know The "killer" of Helicobacter pylori has been found! Rank first among these 5 kinds of food, many people do not know Reviewed by kairos999 on November 12, 2020 Rating: 5
The doctor repeatedly stressed: if you don't want gout to "attack" over and over again, don't touch 4 kinds of food if you can The doctor repeatedly stressed: if you don't want gout to "attack" over and over again, don't touch 4 kinds of food if you can Reviewed by kairos999 on November 11, 2020 Rating: 5
The "accomplice" of hypertension has been found! Reminder: no matter how much you love to eat these 5 kinds of food, you have to keep your mouth shut The "accomplice" of hypertension has been found! Reminder: no matter how much you love to eat these 5 kinds of food, you have to keep your mouth shut Reviewed by kairos999 on November 11, 2020 Rating: 5
Kidney is not good, hands and feet know? There are three manifestations Kidney is not good, hands and feet know? There are three manifestations Reviewed by kairos999 on November 11, 2020 Rating: 5
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