The "longevity dishes" in the kitchen, It's okay to eat more, protect blood vessels and drive away the three highs, and prevent cancer!

I do not know from when, all kinds of "diseases of affluence" have entered the outbreak period!

For example, in recent years, the high incidence of three high, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, is no longer the patent of the elderly. Many young and middle-aged people begin to suffer from hypertension and diabetes at a young age. With the emergence of cardiovascular related diseases, the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases will gradually increase. A large number of data confirm that cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease has become the biggest factor of death due to illness in China!

According to the clinical data, in addition to age, genetic and other aspects, unhealthy diet is also the driving force behind the occurrence of "three highs" and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Especially with the rise of economic level in recent years, diet is more and more greasy, high calorie, high sugar, which is not conducive to cardiovascular health!

If don't want cardiovascular disease to find yourself, the following types of kitchen "longevity vegetables" can be appropriate to eat some more:

1. If You're Willing to Peel Its Heart Layer by Layer: Onion

Onion is one of the most common vegetables in four seasons. It hardly contains fat, but it contains a lot of prostaglandin A, bioactive substances, thioamino acids and other components. Moreover, it is the only vegetable with prostaglandin A found so far. These ingredients are natural blood thinners clinically;

Among them, prostaglandin A is also a potent vasodilator. It can activate the active components of fibrinolytic protein after entering the body. Moreover, it can resist the secretion of blood pressure rising substances such as catechol, promote the excretion of sodium salt in the body, And then achieve the effect of lowering blood pressure. At the same time, diallyl disulfide, thioamino acid can also prevent vascular sclerosis, reduce blood lipid!

From a scientific point of view, regular eating onions, cholesterol, triglycerides and lipoprotein levels will be significantly reduced. It is the first choice of vegetables to prevent three high diseases and atherosclerosis!

2. The Cheapest Seafood Ever Eaten: Kelp

Modern nutrition research has confirmed that kelp contains a variety of nutrients and medicinal ingredients for human health. Regular consumption of kelp can prevent three high, constipation and atherosclerosis, so kelp is also known as "longevity vegetable" in food!

First of all, kelp contains a large number of amino acids, potassium salts, calcium elements, after entering the body can promote the body's sodium ion metabolism, inhibit the absorption of cholesterol, and then play a balance of blood pressure and blood lipids. In addition, there are a lot of unsaturated fatty acids and food fiber in kelp, which can remove the cholesterol adhered to the blood vessel wall and regulate the intestines and stomach;

Secondly, kelp also contains nearly 60% fucoidan, which is an excellent food fiber, which can slow down the speed of food absorption by the intestine and stomach. For diabetic patients, even in the case of reduced insulin secretion, eating kelp can also balance blood glucose and avoid postprandial hyperglycemia;

At the same time, kelp also contains the essential trace element "enzyme", which is not only the auxiliary factor and activator of the secretion of various enzymes in the body, but also has an important regulatory effect on heart activity. Moreover, kelp contained in kelp polysaccharide (laminarin), but also can reduce the human serum total cholesterol, triglyceride, anticoagulant effect. There are even clinical investigations that often eat kelp, but also play an anti-cancer effect.

The above two kinds of food materials often eat, have certain help to cardiovascular health, prevention of three high disease. In fact, it is not difficult to see from these two kinds of food ingredients that the beneficial food for vascular health is low-fat, low-calorie type. Therefore, we should try to choose light, low calorie and balanced food intake when we adjust our daily diet.

The "longevity dishes" in the kitchen, It's okay to eat more, protect blood vessels and drive away the three highs, and prevent cancer! The "longevity dishes" in the kitchen, It's okay to eat more, protect blood vessels and drive away the three highs, and prevent cancer! Reviewed by kairos999 on November 08, 2020 Rating: 5

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