The doctor repeatedly stressed: if you don't want gout to "attack" over and over again, don't touch 4 kinds of food if you can

In recent years, the proportion of people with gout is getting higher and higher, which is mainly due to the fact that people eat more and more abundant foods and Many people are caused by intemperate eating.

If a large number of high purine food intake, this kind of food can cause high uric acid levels in the body, causing gout, which is also the main cause of gout.

Gout is very harmful to health. It can not only cause severe joint pain, but also cause joint deformity, and affect the health of kidney and blood vessels.

Therefore, if people with high uric acid level do not want to suffer from gout, they must control their mouth and eat less of the following foods!

1. Spicy and Irritating Food

Studies have shown that people who often eat spicy food have significantly higher uric acid levels than those who don't.

Spicy food is often high in salt, and whether salt or pepper, will affect the level of uric acid, resulting in higher levels of uric acid, the two food together, the results can be imagined.

In addition, heavy taste food is rich in flavor, but it is often added with a lot of seasoning, and it is not suitable for people with high uric acid.

In life, people with high uric acid should drink more water, which can increase urine output, dilute urine, and is conducive to the excretion of uric acid, thus reducing the level of uric acid.

2. High Purine Food

People with high levels of uric acid should strictly restrict seafood foods such as oysters and raw oysters. Such foods contain high purines and regular consumption can lead to increased uric acid levels and induce gout attacks.

In addition, beef, ham, mutton, pork and other meat, as well as duck gizzard, chicken heart and other animal viscera should also be eaten as little as possible. This kind of food has high fat content and high purine content. If you eat it recklessly, the level of uric acid will soar.

3. Drinks and Alcohol

People with high uric acid must strictly limit beer. Although beer is not a high purine food, the alcohol contained in it can affect the metabolism of uric acid after entering the human body, thus causing the increase of uric acid level. In severe cases, it can induce gout attack, cause severe pain, and damage kidney function.

Besides beer, carbonated drinks such as cola, soda and liquor are not recommended.

So, which foods can help excrete uric acid?

1. Wax Gourd

Wax gourd is cheap, is a common vegetable, can be purchased all year round. Wax gourd contains more water, diuretic effect, can promote urination, thus helping to discharge uric acid.

2. Pumpkin

Pumpkin is not only rich in nutrition, sweet taste, but also has a good effect on reducing uric acid. Pumpkin is an alkaline food, after entering the human body, it can neutralize uric acid, but also has a good diuretic effect, can reduce the level of uric acid in the body.

3. Celery

Celery is rich in potassium element, diuretic effect, appropriate to eat some celery, can promote the excretion of uric acid.

In addition, celery is also rich in cellulose, which has the effect of lowering blood pressure, which is of great benefit to some gout patients with high blood pressure. Celery after heating is easy to lead to the loss of potassium, therefore, try to choose cold salad to eat.

Gout brings great harm to patients. In order to prevent the occurrence of gout, patients with high uric acid must strictly control the intake of high purine food, spicy food and alcoholic food in life, so as to avoid gout attack and bring harm to the body.

And celery, wax gourd, pumpkin and other foods have diuretic effect, but also alkaline food, eat more appropriately, can promote uric acid excretion.

The doctor repeatedly stressed: if you don't want gout to "attack" over and over again, don't touch 4 kinds of food if you can The doctor repeatedly stressed: if you don't want gout to "attack" over and over again, don't touch 4 kinds of food if you can Reviewed by kairos999 on November 11, 2020 Rating: 5

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