Blood sugar out of control, legs and feet know in advance? If there are 4 "strange phenomena", if you don't control blood sugar, you may lose your feet!

The delicacies are in front of you, but you are unmoved, not even picking up a dish to taste!

Others may think that you have good concentration and are not tempted by food, but only you know that it is disease that hinders your performance!

This makes people away from all kinds of delicious diseases, is the legendary: diabetes!

Data survey shows that the number of diabetes patients in China has reached nearly 130 million, which is the largest number of diabetes patients in the world.

In recent years, with the changes of diet and lifestyle, the number of diabetic patients is still increasing rapidly. At present, the adult prevalence of diabetes in China has reached about 3.5% ~ 11.6%!

In such a severe situation, what is more worrying is the awareness rate of diabetes.

Previous surveys have shown that at least 46.5% of adult patients with diabetes have not been diagnosed, that is to say, most of the patients in China do not know that they have been sick.

Because of the initial stage of diabetes, the patient has no discomfort. But the damage of hyperglycemia will continue to exist, they will continue to damage the internal organs, nerves and blood vessels of patients, and then induce various complications!

When the following four legs and feet are abnormal, be careful not only that the blood sugar has exceeded the standard, but also that the complication "diabetic foot" has found you:

1. Perception Barriers

The nervous system is distributed all over the body. It is because of the nervous system that the brain can receive information from various organs and tissues of the human body and control the activities of the body.

However, diabetes can damage the peripheral nerves, and then affect the patients' lower limb perception. At the beginning, it may only feel the cold of the lower limbs, no matter how warm they are, it can not be alleviated.

With the severity of nerve injury, patients will also have a decrease in temperature and tactile perception. For example, you can't feel the pain of foot bath, and there is no pain in trauma. These are very dangerous situations.

2. Intermittent Claudication

This kind of symptom refers to oneself starts to walk, after walking for a period of time, suddenly appears leg ache, numbness and weakness symptom, so as to be unable to walk normally. However, after a proper rest, the pain will quickly relieve and disappear, and will reappear with the activity.

The reason why diabetic patients will have intermittent claudication is related to the increase of blood glucose concentration, damage to vascular wall and abnormal blood circulation.

3. Numbness in The Legs

In the case of no limb compression, often feel numbness of lower limbs, skin beneath as if there are ants crawling over, and accompanied by skin itching, tingling and other symptoms, which may be related to diabetes.

As mentioned above, the continuous increase of blood glucose will continue to damage the peripheral nerves and blood vessels of patients, resulting in cognitive errors, blocked blood circulation, and then lead to numbness of legs and feet. In severe cases, patients will often have muscle spasm symptoms.

4. The Wound Does Not Heal

Diabetes can reduce the patient's foot resistance, fungal infection is often repeated, in the foot can appear blisters, ulcers and other problems.

If the recent foot injury, but not rapid recovery, but gradually erosion, and even expansion trend, this is often because hyperglycemia damage peripheral blood vessels and nervous system.

At the same time, blood glucose concentration in excess of the standard, will become a breeding paradise for bacteria, so that the wound recovery speed of patients is more and more slow.

Of course, foot symptoms alone can't determine whether diabetes is the cause.

If you want to know whether the blood sugar is normal or not, the best way is to get up in the morning for fasting blood glucose test. If you find that the blood sugar exceeds the standard, you should actively consult the doctor for the next step of examination. Once you are diagnosed with diabetes, you need to choose the appropriate drug treatment according to the doctor's advice.

Blood sugar out of control, legs and feet know in advance? If there are 4 "strange phenomena", if you don't control blood sugar, you may lose your feet! Blood sugar out of control, legs and feet know in advance? If there are 4 "strange phenomena", if you don't control blood sugar, you may lose your feet! Reviewed by kairos999 on November 04, 2020 Rating: 5

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