A small handful a day, no more doctors? This kind of "longevity fruit", 4 surprises come uninvited, but 3 types of people eat it carefully

Health, health care is a popular topic in recent years, even the post-90s have begun to join the health army!

If you open a parent's circle of friends, you will find a variety of health care articles, and the news about buying health products that have been cheated is a hot search on major websites.

In fact, there is only one simple sentence behind the upsurge of health preservation: fear of death!

Who is not afraid of the coming of disease and death? If you want to prevent disease, health preservation seems to be the only way!

Even the health army has a slogan: do not keep fit today, raise a doctor tomorrow!

Health care itself is not wrong, but health care is not achieved by the so-called health products. To know that the purpose of health preservation is to be healthy, and want to be healthy, the first thing to do is to maintain good living and eating habits.

In particular, the choice of diet is very important in maintaining good health!

Because the human body daily intake of nutrients, mainly from a variety of food. Instead of relying on health products, it is better to adjust diet, such as light, balanced nutrition is very necessary. In addition, we can also eat some healthy food, such as "peanut" is one of them!

Peanut is one of the widely cultivated nuts in China. Its taste is not only mellow, but also can be made into other products, including peanut oil and peanut butter. A large number of studies have confirmed that if you eat a handful of peanuts a day, the following four benefits will come uninvited:

1. Stomach Health

Chronic gastric disease is one of the most common diseases in China, such as superficial gastritis, gastric ulcer and so on. Especially with the acceleration of the pace of life, many people have irregular meals, overeating, late night and other bad habits, which is conducive to the onset of chronic stomach disease.

And if you eat a few peanuts a day, it can delay the secretion of gastric acid, avoid gastric acid too much corrosion of gastric mucosa. Moreover, the protein and unsaturated fatty acids can promote the repair of gastric mucosa and protect the gastric mucosa;

2. Maintenance of Blood Vessels

Perhaps we all think that peanuts contain a certain amount of fat, eating peanuts will only accelerate the development of three high, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

But in fact, peanuts do contain fat, but most of the fat it contains is unsaturated fat, which is relatively blood vessel friendly. Moreover, there is a certain amount of phospholipids in peanut, which can decompose cholesterol and triglycerides in the body, which can protect blood vessels and prevent metabolic diseases;

3. Memory Improvement

In addition to a large number of beneficial components such as fat and protein, peanut also contains rich vitamins and mineral elements, especially vitamin E and zinc.

These ingredients are indispensable for cell growth. After entering the body, they can promote the development of brain cells, delay the decline of brain function, and enhance their own memory. They are more friendly to children and the elderly.

4. Nourishing Qi and Blood

From the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine, the red coat on the surface of peanuts is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine, which can regulate qi and blood deficiency, anemia and irregular menstruation.

And modern medical research also found that peanuts contain resveratrol, which is a kind of natural polyphenols. It can not only reduce platelet aggregation, prevent thrombosis, but also clear free radicals in the body, delay aging and make your skin color better and better!

Seeing this, have you been moved by it?

Wait, take your time! Although peanuts are good, they are not suitable for all people to eat. For example, the following groups of people:

1. Diabetics

Diabetes is a metabolic disease induced by islet injury and insulin resistance. The fundamental purpose of treatment is to prevent blood glucose rise and reduce the risk of complications.

In addition to medication treatment, in the diet also need to be extra careful, avoid large intake of fat, carbon water food.

Peanuts are rich in fats. If eaten in large amounts, they can increase blood sugar after a meal, so diabetics should be cautious in eating. After eating peanuts, you need to reduce your intake of other staple foods

2. Patients with Gallbladder Diseases

The gallbladder is not the place where bile is produced. Its main job is to store and expel bile, which is involved in the absorption of fat by the small intestine.

However, if you have gallbladder diseases, such as gallstones, polyps or canceration, eating a lot of peanuts can cause strong stimulation to the gallbladder, induce bile colic, and is not conducive to the recovery of the disease;

3. Gout Patients

Gout is a kind of joint disease induced by hyperuricemia. It often breaks out suddenly and makes the patients suffer unbearably.

With the gout attack more and more frequently, gout stone formation, patients may also appear serious joint deformation. Because peanut contains a large amount of fat and a small amount of purine, it can not only promote the level of blood uric acid in the body, but also inhibit the metabolism of uric acid, which is not good for gout patients!

Finally, I would like to remind you that although peanuts are delicious, they are not suitable for eating more. You can eat 6-10 peanuts a day.

At the same time, in the production of peanuts, frying or sautéing should be avoided as much as possible. Boiled peanuts are the healthiest way to eat. This will not destroy the nutrients contained in peanuts, and will not easily lead to excessive calories.

A small handful a day, no more doctors? This kind of "longevity fruit", 4 surprises come uninvited, but 3 types of people eat it carefully A small handful a day, no more doctors? This kind of "longevity fruit", 4 surprises come uninvited, but 3 types of people eat it carefully Reviewed by kairos999 on November 07, 2020 Rating: 5

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