Low amount of menstrual period? Don't panic! Eat more "2 yellows and 1 white" to supplement estrogen to make you more "feminine"

Estrogen is very important for women's health. If a woman's monthly menstruation can arrive on time, and the menstrual volume is relatively normal, it indicates that the estrogen content in the body is relatively adequate.

But if menstruation is not regular, sometimes a few days in advance, or sometimes delayed a few days, and each time the amount of blood is very small, then it is likely that the body's secretion of estrogen is low.

Because when the female body estrogen is insufficient, it is easy to appear menstrual disorders and some physical problems. Some studies have concluded that there are about 300 parts of a woman's body that need estrogen to support normal functioning, such as the uterus and ovaries, so estrogen is very important for women.

If the body appears estrogen deficiency, it will easily lead to uterine atrophy in women, the ovaries will also be easy to aging, the skin will become rough and dim and have fine lines, and it is easy to have osteoporosis.

Those women with serious deficiency of estrogen in the body will look much older than their peers, greatly reducing the charm of women.

Women should timely supplement estrogen, it is best to eat this "one white two yellow"

Which "white" should be added?

Tofu (bean curd) is a common dish in many families. For women, it is a healthy dish that can supplement estrogen. This is because the raw material of tofu is soybean, which contains more phytoestrogens, which can promote the body to produce estrogen. If women persist in eating for a long time, they can delay aging and make them look younger and more feminine.

Which "two yellows" should be added?

1. Royal jelly

Royal jelly contains amino acids needed by human body, and it can also provide a lot of fructose and vitamins for human body. In fact, royal jelly also contains a lot of estrogen. If women who lack estrogen in the body often eat royal jelly, they can not only supplement estrogen for the body, but also supplement certain nutrition for the body, so that the body is more healthy, and people will be younger and more beautiful.

2. Angelica sinensis

Angelica is a traditional Chinese medicine, can promote blood circulation. Many women may know that regular intake of Angelica sinensis can improve sleep and make sleep quality better. In fact, angelica can not only improve endocrine, improve sleep quality, but also promote the secretion of estrogen in the body. Therefore, long-term adherence to the consumption of Angelica sinensis, to supplement the body's estrogen has a great help, but also to make women more feminine.

When eating angelica, the simplest way is to cook Angelica tea. First wash the angelica, then cut into small pieces, add appropriate amount of water into the pot, and then boil it over medium heat for drinking. You can also add red dates or Astragalus, red dates have blood tonic effect, Astragalus can replenish qi, the three together boiled water to drink. In the long run, women's menstruation will be more normal, the skin on the face will also be very shiny, people appear to be full of charm.

In fact, after marriage, in addition to supplement estrogen through diet, harmonious husband and wife life can also help regulate hormone secretion in the body. If the family relationship is harmonious, husband and wife life is more harmonious, it is very beneficial to women's physical and mental health, it can not only delay the decline of ovarian function, but also regulate endocrine disorders.

In addition, for those long-term work and life pressure of women, relaxed and pleasant sex life can also reduce stress and alleviate some negative emotions, which is very beneficial to endocrine regulation. At the same time, it is also good for women's ovaries, which can reduce the incidence of gynecological diseases.

To sum up, when women often have less menstruation, or the skin on the face is dull and rough, it is likely that the body's estrogen is insufficient.

Women must take good care of themselves, can not let estrogen affect the appearance, but also can not let it affect health. When the menstrual volume is too small, we must eat more soy food, often drink rich estrogen royal jelly, or drink more Angelica tea. Believe that adhere to a period of time, menstruation will have greater improvement, not only estrogen sufficient, feminine flavor will be more sufficient.

Low amount of menstrual period? Don't panic! Eat more "2 yellows and 1 white" to supplement estrogen to make you more "feminine" Low amount of menstrual period? Don't panic! Eat more "2 yellows and 1 white" to supplement estrogen to make you more "feminine" Reviewed by kairos999 on November 17, 2020 Rating: 5

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