Replenishing Qi and Blood? Strengthen the spleen and warm the stomach? The brown sugar praised by the Chinese is only a "stupid tax"

We always say that too much sugar is bad for our health.

But as soon as we meet brown sugar, it starts to "Double Standard".

Brown sugar and white sugar are the most common two kinds of sugar in life, but some people think that white sugar is not healthy, brown sugar is more nutritious than white sugar.

In particular, "Aunt Flo" visit those days, drink a cup of hot brown sugar water, let the girls alleviate a lot of pain.

What kind of Tonifying Qi and blood, invigorating the spleen and warming the stomach, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. Brown sugar has also been given various titles, and even many health care products rely on it to get a market share.

The same is sugar, why is brown sugar so preferential?

Both brown sugar and white sugar are extracted from sugarcane, but brown sugar is only preliminarily refined and purified after being squeezed from sugarcane, or even directly dried without refining and purification, so it is also called raw sucrose.

White sugar is more refined and decolorized than brown sugar. After refining, some impurities, burnt flavor and caramel color in sugarcane will be removed, so it looks white.

To say nutrition, brown sugar is really higher!

Because the sucrose content of brown sugar is between 88% and 96%, the original vitamin and mineral nutrients of sugarcane will be retained, so the nutrition is higher than that of white sugar.

As for the so-called "black sugar" and "yellow sugar" on the market, in fact, is brown sugar. The darker the color, the more impurities, the lower the purity of sugar.

So compared with the two, brown sugar is higher than white sugar!

Note, it's just a little bit, but as far as the whole nutrients are concerned, the role of brown sugar is very limited, so it is not recommended as a food source for nutritional supplement.

After all, brown sugar is also sugar. Eating too much is bad for your health.

According to the WHO dietary guidelines, it is best for adults to eat no more than 25 grams of free sugar per day, which is about two spoons.

Does brown sugar have a little blood tonic effect?

Blood replenishment is to supplement hemoglobin. First of all, we should supplement hematopoietic raw materials. Iron is one of the important substances in the body's hematopoietic raw materials. The iron element in brown sugar is very few. It is difficult to achieve the effect by simply relying on brown sugar water to replenish blood.

However, brown sugar does contain iron, but this amount is very small.

Secondly, iron in brown sugar belongs to non heme iron, which will be obviously affected by food when it is absorbed. For example, phytate and oxalate in cereals and vegetables, and polyphenols in tea and coffee can affect the absorption and operation of iron.

Lack of gastric acid in the stomach or taking too many antacid drugs are not conducive to the release of iron ions, but also hinder the absorption of iron. Therefore, brown sugar has a little blood tonic effect, but very little.

Therefore, anemia women can not rely on brown sugar iron, the sugar content per 100 grams of brown sugar is only 2mg, absorption rate is poor.

Brown sugar, whether can invigorate the spleen and warm the stomach?

This is even more nonsense. The so-called warm stomach, in fact, is equivalent to eating a large piece of bread, which will produce "heat", not only "warm the stomach", but also warm the "intestines".

Therefore, the so-called "Invigorating Qi and blood" and other effects are mostly commercial speculation! If you want to rely on eating these to tonify your body, you may not be able to improve, you will eat yourself into a fat person!

Replenishing Qi and Blood? Strengthen the spleen and warm the stomach? The brown sugar praised by the Chinese is only a "stupid tax" Replenishing Qi and Blood? Strengthen the spleen and warm the stomach? The brown sugar praised by the Chinese is only a "stupid tax" Reviewed by kairos999 on November 04, 2020 Rating: 5

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