Why does Japan have the lowest obesity rate in the world, but they obviously like rice? Just because 4 things are done well during the meal

With the improvement of living standards, the food materials on people's table are more and more diversified. People can not only eat delicious food, but also provide more comprehensive nutrition for the body.

But some people because of improper diet, also caused the obesity problem.

According to the survey, the current obesity rate in China is 7%, while that in Japan is only 3.2%.

Why is the obesity rate so low in Japanese who love rice?

First of all, to understand whether eating rice has an impact on obesity rate?

In real life, people often hear this saying, if you want to lose weight, you should reduce the intake of staple food. This is mainly because many people think that eating rice will quickly absorb carbohydrates, leading to obesity.

Compared with flour, rice contains more calories. In Japan, sushi, white rice and Bento are all popular foods, and these are inseparable from rice.

Rice is the main staple food in the south of China. Compared with the obesity rate, it is still higher than that in Japan. It can be seen that there is no basis to determine the obesity rate only by eating rice or not.

After analysis, it can be concluded that the Japanese are very thin, and eating rice is not necessarily related.

Moreover, in real life, in addition to being thin, the Japanese are also one of the longest lived countries in the world, which is also related to the low obesity rate.

What secret does the Japanese have to reduce their obesity rate and live a long life?

1. A Light Diet

In Japan, almost all people's diet is very light, rarely see food with very strong taste. Even if it is fried food, there is not too much seasoning in it, and the frying time will not be very long. They are more willing to cook food by steaming, which not only retains the original taste of the food, but also retains more nutrients, and the amount of calories the body can absorb will gradually decrease.

This is very helpful for body control, reducing the rate of obesity and people's longevity.

2. Diet Ration

In Japan, fixed meals are emphasized, and the amount of food prepared for each meal is not too much. A 70% full is the standard for people's diet.

This can not only meet the needs of human body heat and nutrition, but also ensure better digestion of food, will not cause a burden on the gastrointestinal system.

3. Choice of Ingredients

Although the amount of food consumed by the Japanese is not much, the variety is also very rich, which is more conducive to comprehensive nutrition.

Japan's territory is surrounded by the sea on all sides. In the choice of meat, it is mainly seafood. Compared with pork meat, fish is not only more delicious, but also has a lower fat content. Therefore, eating fish is the secret of Japanese obesity rate reduction and longevity.

4. Tea

China has a rich tea culture, and drinking tea has always been a Chinese tradition.

However, it is worth noting that Chinese tea culture was accepted and promoted by the Japanese after it was spread to Japan. Gradually, more and more people also fell in love with tea. By drinking tea, many Japanese people have improved their health and made a contribution to their health and longevity.

To sum up, although the Japanese like rice food very much, it is not directly related to his obesity rate.

This is mainly because the Japanese have a lot of good eating habits, which are worth learning. In the future life, if you can eat a light and nutritious diet, and then increase the appropriate exercise, can also provide help for health and longevity.

Why does Japan have the lowest obesity rate in the world, but they obviously like rice? Just because 4 things are done well during the meal Why does Japan have the lowest obesity rate in the world, but they obviously like rice? Just because 4 things are done well during the meal Reviewed by kairos999 on November 10, 2020 Rating: 5

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