Found nodules on the thyroid? These 3 kinds of food may be "accomplices", even if you like to eat them, you should avoid them

In recent years, more and more people suffer from thyroid diseases, including thyroid nodules.

Although thyroid nodules are benign lesions, but if not controlled, the condition will gradually worsen, and may even induce thyroid cancer.

For patients with thyroid nodules, we must pay attention to the care of the disease in life, especially in the diet, if the diet is improper, it is easy to lead to thyroid nodules getting bigger and bigger. 

What foods should be avoided for patients with thyroid nodules?

1. Kelp, Laver and Other High Iodine Food

Too much or too little iodine intake may induce thyroid diseases, and most of the thyroid nodules are related to excessive iodine intake.

Therefore, if you have thyroid nodules, you should strictly limit the intake of high iodine food in life, such as kelp, laver, shrimp, sea cucumber and other food, so as not to cause the thyroid nodules to grow larger. In addition, In addition, patients should also avoid eating iodized salt, and choose common salt when cooking food.

2. Hot Pot and Other Spicy Food

In modern society, people can choose more and more food, among which spicy food is the favorite of many people, such as hot pot, spicy hot pot (malatang) and so on.

In fact, eating these foods once in a while is not a big problem, but if you eat them regularly, it can cause great harm to your health. Especially for patients with thyroid nodules, if you often eat spicy food, it can cause endocrine disorders and aggravate nodules.

3. High Fat Food

High fat foods tend to taste better, but they can cause thyroid nodules to become more rampant. Excessive consumption of high-fat food, not only can cause obesity, but also cause endocrine disorders, thus stimulating the thyroid gland, making nodules more serious.

The patients with thyroid nodules of the above food should be strictly avoided, so as to avoid aggravating the disease. Patients in life might as well eat some food to promote the dissipation of nodules, such as the following several foods, the recovery of thyroid nodules are very helpful!

1. Bitter Melon (Bitter Gourd)

Although the taste of bitter melon is bitter and astringent, its nutritional value should not be underestimated. Momordica charantia is known as "natural anti-inflammatory drugs", which contains bitter elements, vitamin C has the role of clearing heat and detoxification, dispersing nodules, but also can enhance immunity, delay aging, usually might as well eat more.

2. Isinglass

The protein content of isinglass is amazing, as high as 80%, and it is basically collagen. After ingested into the human body, it can enhance the elasticity of cells, reduce the pressure on adjacent tissues caused by nodules, which is of great help to the recovery of nodules. And isinglass also has a good cosmetic effect, women might as well eat more appropriately.

3. Fig

Fig is rich in nutrition, and has the functions of invigorating the spleen and appetizing, detumescence and pain relief. People with thyroid nodules usually have neck discomfort. In this case, eating some figs properly can not only dissipate the nodules, but also relieve the symptoms of neck discomfort.

In a word, if you have thyroid nodules, you must strictly control your diet in your life, and avoid eating foods that are not conducive to the recovery of the disease, such as spicy food, high iodine food, high-fat food, etc., so as to avoid the enlargement of the nodules.

In addition to diet, patients should also maintain a peaceful and happy mood. The reason why some people suffer from thyroid nodules is not only related to diet, but also related to long-term negative emotions.

Found nodules on the thyroid? These 3 kinds of food may be "accomplices", even if you like to eat them, you should avoid them  Found nodules on the thyroid? These 3 kinds of food may be "accomplices", even if you like to eat them, you should avoid them Reviewed by kairos999 on November 14, 2020 Rating: 5

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