Fart frequently, it doesn't taste good! Doctor: 3 sources, you should pay attention

Farting is a normal physiological reaction of each of us. Many people think farting is a normal phenomenon of detoxification of our body. The more times, the more favorable it is to our health.

But in fact, fart is the Qi that has no place to store in the body. Most of the gas is the action of intestinal flora after food digestion, which will form a unique "biochemical weapon".

The number of times the human body farts every day also has a normal range, usually an average of 14 farts per day, and some people can reach more than 20 farts, that is relatively normal.

But sometimes, if farting is too much, it is not only embarrassing, but also a hint of health and even life.

Always fart, why on earth?

The composition of fart is more complex, most of which are odorless gases such as nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, methane and oxygen, and a few of them are also mixed with trace gases such as ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, indole, septic, volatile amine, etc.

Obviously, odorless gas is mainly responsible for "more", while micro gas is mainly responsible for "odor".

However, there are many farts, which may indicate that the body has three diseases

May Be Related to Constipation

Constipation is a disease that is easy to contact in daily life, and the occurrence of constipation has a great relationship with the long-term consumption of spicy food.

Many people have to be particular about "No Spicy No Happy" when eating. Spicy is indeed a very rich taste.

But if you eat spicy food for a long time, it will easily stimulate the stomach and cause intestinal diseases such as enteritis. The occurrence of enteritis will cause indigestion. If the food we eat is not digested well, it will easily produce gas, which will lead to the increase of farting times.

May Have Stomach Disease

Stomach disease can also lead to frequent farting.

Stomach, as an indispensable digestive organ of the body, has the functions of storing food, digestion, absorption and secretion. If the stomach of our body is abnormal, it will affect the normal digestive function of the stomach and cause the dyspepsia of the body.

If the food is not digested well, it will gradually accumulate the fermentation and produce excessive gas, which leads to the phenomenon of frequent farting.

May Have Intestinal Disease

Intestinal diseases are also one of the main diseases that cause frequent farting, and enteritis is the most common disease in the gut.

We all know that the gut is an important digestive organ and the largest detoxification organ. If the gut is abnormal, it will lead to the decrease of secretion of digestive fluid and the decrease of intestinal activity, thus reducing the digestive function of the intestine.

If food is not digested well, it will accumulate and ferment in the body, form a large amount of gas, and it will be prone to the embarrassing situation of farting frequently.

Of course, normal people fart 8-20 a day, and the total amount of farts is about 240-1500ml, and the fart amount depends on the diet and the distribution of intestinal flora.

Most people fart more, mainly caused by eating habits, such as various meat, beans, bean products, milk and dairy products. Eggs, nuts, eat more naturally will produce more.

As the saying goes: fart out of the anus will not return, but leave crisp sound and snicker. Farting essentially relieves the traffic pressure of gastrointestinal tract. After all, if a large amount of gas accumulates in the gut and affects the contraction function of the intestine, abdominal distension and chest tightness will inevitably occur.

If those hydrogen sulfide, ammonia and other such odor gradually absorbed by intestinal mucosa, it will inevitably cause indigestion, dizziness and other discomfort.

Therefore, there is no fart, suffocating internal injury, in order to their own body, timely find a nobody place to fart earnestly.

Fart frequently, it doesn't taste good! Doctor: 3 sources, you should pay attention Fart frequently, it doesn't taste good! Doctor: 3 sources, you should pay attention Reviewed by kairos999 on November 01, 2020 Rating: 5

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