Natural "liver tonic" found, take a little every day, nourishing liver and detoxification, the liver will "thank" you

The liver is an important organ in our body's metabolic system. It is involved in the oxidation of substances, the secretion of protein and the digestion of food. However, modern people's living habits are too complex, which brings a great burden to the realization of the function of our liver, which leads to liver damage. Food has a lot to do with the function of our liver, so if you want a good liver, you need to form good habits from your daily diet.

Natural "liver strengthening agent" found, take a little every day, nourishing liver and detoxification, the liver will "thank" you!

1. Fig

Fig has the function of moistening the intestines and defecation, eliminating food and detoxification. Eating more figs can not only prevent constipation, but also clean up the garbage and toxins in the blood, so as to assist the liver in detoxification. Figs are rich in soluble coagulants, which act on the human body, which can help the liver metabolize the oil and garbage in the body, and make the blood cleaner, thus reducing the pressure on the liver and making the liver more healthy.

2. Carrot

Often eat carrots can enhance the immune function of the body, can reduce the risk of disease, carrot nutritional value is very high, contains a variety of trace elements needed by the human body, can reduce the harmful substances in the human body, can play a role in maintaining cardiovascular disease, can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, but also can effectively enhance immune function.

3. Konjac

Konjac rich in food fiber can not only delay the absorption of fat in gastrointestinal tract, but also promote the conversion of cholesterol into cholic acid, reduce the intestinal and hepatic circulation needs of cholic acid, so as to reduce cholesterol and blood lipid. Vitamin E and a in konjac can inhibit lipid peroxidation, participate in lipid metabolism in the liver, reduce liver inflammatory reaction, contribute to the treatment of fatty liver, and protect liver cells, can protect the liver, remove fat and resist Oxidation and anti-fibrosis.

4. Pueraria Lobata (The Root of Kudzu Vine)

It is known as "Asian ginseng" for its anti alcohol, detoxification, good for urination and defecation, clearing heat. Modern pharmacology has proved that the wild pueraria lobata has the effects of anti alcohol, protecting liver, lowering blood pressure and blood sugar, which is a good medicine for patients with alcoholic liver and fatty liver. Pueraria is rich in flavonoids, puerarin, daidzein, alkaloids and other effective components, which can promote the excretion of liver toxins and fat, protect the liver and relieve alcohol.

Natural "liver tonic" found, take a little every day, nourishing liver and detoxification, the liver will "thank" you Natural "liver tonic" found, take a little every day, nourishing liver and detoxification, the liver will "thank" you Reviewed by kairos999 on November 08, 2020 Rating: 5

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