What can't bananas be eaten with? Reminder: It is best to avoid eating these three at the same time, many people eat it wrong

Banana is a very common fruit. It has sweet taste, soft and glutinous taste, and high nutritional value. It contains a lot of ingredients beneficial to human health. It is loved by men, women, old and young. But eating bananas is also something to pay attention to, can't eat with some things, otherwise, it could be counterproductive, hurt the body.

Banana is mild, non-toxic, and can be used with most foods in general, but the following foods are not suitable for eating with bananas.

1. Hami Melon

Banana and Hami melon are rich in potassium ions. If they are consumed at the same time, the potassium ion content in the blood will be too high, which may cause excessive relaxation of the heart and slow down the heart rate. It may also accelerate renal failure and some joint diseases, which is very harmful to human body and even life-threatening in serious cases.

2. Yogurt

Yoghurt and banana should not be eaten together. Yogurt and banana can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, which is a good thing, but if people with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold combine the two, it may lead to abdominal pain, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal symptoms.

3. Sweet Potato

Sweet potato contains a lot of substances beneficial to human body, but due to its high fiber content, it is difficult to digest itself. Banana also contains a large amount of dietary fiber. Eating the two together may cause flatulence, affecting the digestion and absorption of food, making the food stay in the gastrointestinal tract for a long time, resulting in stomach acid regurgitation and other discomfort symptoms, even in severe cases May cause chronic poisoning.

The above three kinds of food and banana together, may have some adverse effects on the body, not recommended to eat together, even if you want to eat, the two had better be separated by more than half an hour. In addition to banana can not be eaten with the above food, but also pay attention to the following taboos.

1. Avoid Eating Unripe Bananas

As we all know, there is a kind of astringency in the banana without ripening. The source of this astringency is tannic acid contained in banana. Eat not ripe banana, and tannic acid has a very strong astringent effect, it is easy to cause constipation, we must not eat not ripe banana.

2. Avoid Eating Bananas on an Empty Stomach

Banana can accelerate the rate of gastrointestinal peristalsis, and eating bananas without other food in the stomach is equivalent to that the stomach is idling, which will increase the friction of gastric wall and lead to the damage of gastric mucosa. And banana contains a lot of magnesium. Eating bananas on an empty stomach will result in a large increase of magnesium content in a short period of time, resulting in the imbalance of inorganic salt proportion in the body, causing some damage to the body.

3. Don't Refrigerate Bananas

Banana placed in the refrigerator is always easy to be frozen, the texture becomes soft and rotten, and even some patches or rot will appear, which will lead to the decrease of nutritional value at the same time of poor taste. Banana should not be refrigerated.

Banana is rich in nutrition, fragrant and delicious. It is a kind of nutritious, delicious and healthy food. It's good for your health to eat it properly. However, we should also pay attention to some taboos when eating bananas. Some foods and bananas may cause some adverse reactions. Don't ignore them.

What can't bananas be eaten with? Reminder: It is best to avoid eating these three at the same time, many people eat it wrong What can't bananas be eaten with? Reminder: It is best to avoid eating these three at the same time, many people eat it wrong Reviewed by kairos999 on November 01, 2020 Rating: 5

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