The "buster" of blood lipids has been found! Drink 5 more kinds of tea in free time to reduce blood lipids and expel toxins

With the development of social progress and the continuous improvement of people's living standards, modern people generally have some diseases of affluence. For example, hyperlipidemia is one of them. When hyperlipidemia occurs, it not only affects the patients' daily normal diet and life, but also causes certain harm to the health of the body. Therefore, we must pay attention to conditioning in normal times. Then I will drink tea as a method. I recommend several teas that can lower blood lipids. I hope it can help you.

High blood fat, drink more of these tea, the effect will not be wrong:

1. Oolong Tea

Oolong tea is one of the many tea products in China. Its taste is fresh and sweet, with a long lasting aftertaste. It contains a lot of tea polyphenols, various trace elements, vitamins and bioactive substances. It can play a role in resisting human free radicals, reducing blood lipid, enhancing the immune and resistance ability of the body.

In particular, oolong tea can also prevent and reduce the ability of lipids in atherosclerosis, at the same time, it can also reduce blood viscosity, prevent red blood cell aggregation, thus improving the state of blood hypercoagulability.

2. Chrysanthemum Tea

Chrysanthemum tea can not only clear away heat and toxin, but also enhance blood flow and improve blood microcirculation.

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, chrysanthemum tea is cold in nature and sweet in taste. It has the effects of clearing the liver and improving eyesight, anti-inflammatory and detoxification, anti-thrombosis and increase coronary blood flow, reducing blood pressure and reducing blood lipid. Long term drinking can prevent hyperlipidemia.

3. Orange Peel Tea

Orange peel tea, as its name implies, is tea made from orange peel. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, orange peel can be used as medicine because it is warm in nature and bitter in taste, and has the effect of regulating qi, removing dampness and reducing phlegm. Modern pharmacology also shows that hesperidins (vitamin p) contained in orange peel can also play a role in reducing blood lipid, so it is more suitable for patients with phlegm and obesity Hyperlipidemia patients.

4. Hawthorn Tea

Hawthorn is a good delicious food to reduce blood lipid, because it contains triterpenoids and flavonoids, which has a good cleaning effect on cholesterol in human blood. At the same time, the vitamin C contained in Hawthorn can also promote the combustion of fat and the reduction of blood lipid. Therefore, it can be said that hawthorn tea is the best drink for people with hyperlipidemia. It has a good therapeutic effect on inhibiting the increase of serum cholesterol and triglycerides.

5. Green Tea

Green tea can not only produce fluid and quench thirst, but also increase the consumption of body fat and heat energy, promote the oxidation of fat, so as to achieve the effect of reducing blood lipid.

Because it contains very rich vitamins, trace elements, these nutrients can regulate blood lipids, promote the metabolism of blood lipids, especially non fermented green tea, the effect is stronger.

All in all, in daily life, you can drink more of the tea introduced above. In general, it is conducive to reducing blood fat and maintaining health.

In addition, it is suggested that people with hyperlipidemia should adhere to the principle of light diet and eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. These foods are rich in dietary fiber, which can promote blood circulation and improve the metabolism of the human body, which has a very good role in helping to alleviate and control hyperlipidemia At the same time, it can also prevent the complications caused by hyperlipidemia.

The "buster" of blood lipids has been found! Drink 5 more kinds of tea in free time to reduce blood lipids and expel toxins The "buster" of blood lipids has been found! Drink 5 more kinds of tea in free time to reduce blood lipids and expel toxins Reviewed by kairos999 on November 04, 2020 Rating: 5

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