Hyperuricemia is not a sudden formation, if you find 4 abnormalities in sleep, please do a urine routine in time

Uric acid is the final metabolite of purine compounds in human body. Under normal circumstances, the daily production and discharge of uric acid is proportional. When the value of uric acid in the body cannot be metabolized normally, or if there is abnormal uric acid production, uric acid will accumulate in the body and then develop into hyperuricemia!

There are many reasons for the disease, including heredity, gender and age, and bad lifestyle. And what's really scary about it is not metabolic disorder, but other complications, including gout, which is known to all.

In addition, the continuous increase of blood uric acid level, will also cause damage to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular, kidney and other aspects!

But because most patients with hyperuricemia have no symptoms and symptoms are hidden in the early stage, it is usually after gout attack that the level of blood uric acid has exceeded the standard.

In fact, hyperuricemia is not without signs. If there are several recent manifestations during sleep, be careful that the level of blood uric acid is over standard:

1. Frequent nocturnal urine

As mentioned above, the level of blood uric acid in the human body is normally in equilibrium, and the organ responsible for maintaining this balance is the kidney. The kidney also excretes uric acid from the body with urination during the process of urine formation.

When the level of uric acid in blood is seriously over standard, the burden of kidney will be increased. In order to metabolize uric acid as soon as possible, the urine production speed will be accelerated.

In addition, the urine status of patients may also change, such as urination foam, urine color is yellow.

2. Repeated thirst

Usually, after people enter sleep state, the consumption of organs and bodies will be reduced, so there is no thirst or hunger.

Patients with hyperuricemia are not the same. Not only will the frequency of nocturia become frequent, but also due to the loss of a large amount of water in the urine and the higher concentration of uric acid in the blood, patients are also prone to night thirst, dry mouth and other symptoms.

And too much water intake will accelerate the formation of urine, and then form a vicious cycle.

3. The joint has a sense of pain

Hyperuricemia is the basis of gout attacks, but it takes time. If the level of uric acid in blood is always too high and is not effectively controlled.

A large amount of uric acid precipitates the crystallization of urate and accumulates in the weak joints of the skin, such as the joints of the foot are common parts.

Affected by the deposition of urate, the patients will have a joint ache in the early stage of gout. If suddenly in the night joint pain, unbearable, this may be gout has arrived.

4. Limb edema

Hyperuricemia is closely related to kidney disease, because the crystallization of urate will not only precipitate in joints, but also accumulate in the kidney, and then develop into chronic interstitial nephritis.

At the same time, uric acid can also directly lead to microangiopathy in the afferent arterioles of glomerulus.

Under the influence of various factors, renal function will also decline, which leads to abnormal water metabolism. Edema is the typical manifestation of chronic kidney disease.

In addition, affected by high uric acid, the patient ingested too much water that night, which also led to edema.

All of the above 4 symptoms may be signals of the excessive level of uric acid.

But only by symptom can not directly diagnose hyperuricemia, it is correct to go to a doctor for examination.

Once hyperuricemia is diagnosed, it is necessary to adjust and improve the bad life and eating habits according to the doctor's advice. If necessary, drug control should be taken to avoid the more trouble caused by the excessive level of blood uric acid.

Hyperuricemia is not a sudden formation, if you find 4 abnormalities in sleep, please do a urine routine in time Hyperuricemia is not a sudden formation, if you find 4 abnormalities in sleep, please do a urine routine in time Reviewed by kairos999 on November 20, 2020 Rating: 5

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