There are 4 phenomena of drinking, please put down your glass immediately! The liver may be hardened into "stones"

Have you ever heard of a disease: liver cirrhosis?

Liver cirrhosis is a common chronic and progressive liver disease in clinical practice, but it is not a direct pathological change in the liver, but a diffuse liver injury induced by long-term repeated injury of a variety of chronic liver diseases, such as viral hepatitis, alcoholic liver, liver schistosomiasis, etc., can develop into liver cirrhosis at the end stage and severity!

However, due to the strong compensatory function of the liver in the early stage, many patients do not have typical symptoms or even any abnormalities in the early stage of liver cirrhosis.

When go to the decompensated period, the symptoms gradually appear!

For people who have been drinking for a long time, if the following symptoms suddenly appear recently, be careful that liver cirrhosis has come to you:

1. Loss of appetite

Perhaps we all mistakenly believe that as long as there is abnormal digestion, it is related to digestive tract diseases.

But in fact, after the development of decompensated liver cirrhosis, patients will also have different digestive disorders, such as fullness in the upper abdomen, nausea, and loss of appetite.

This is because the liver itself is involved in the digestion process, responsible for the generation of bile, the integration of storage of nutrients.

So, after the liver is damaged, it will also affect the digestive function.

2. Abnormal complexion

The complexion of normal people should be ruddy and glossy.

If the face color of a recent alcoholic changes suddenly, showing a dark, dull state, dark circles getting deeper and deeper, and capillary dilation at the tip of the nose, this is not a simple lack of sleep, but a manifestation of liver cirrhosis, which is also called "liver disease face" in clinical practice.

Due to severe liver damage, estrogen can not be inactivated, tyrosine converts tyrosinase into melanin, and melanin accumulates in the face, and then develops into "liver disease face".

3. Fatigue 

Fatigue and long-term fatigue are common symptoms of liver cirrhosis. Unlike ordinary physical and mental fatigue, this kind of fatigue can not be relieved no matter how much rest.

The reason is that after the liver is seriously damaged, the body's nutrient absorption capacity is reduced, resulting in a serious lack of vitamins and nutritional supplement, which leads to muscle fatigue.

4. Bleeding tendency

The liver is involved in the operation of the coagulation system, which is responsible for the production of coagulation factors.

After the development of liver cirrhosis to decompensated stage, patients can have varying degrees of coagulation disorders, including nosebleed, gingival bleeding, increased menstruation.

The late stage of liver cirrhosis often combined with gastric varices, portal hypertension, patients with coagulation disorders were damaged, once the blood vessels rupture, it may induce gastrointestinal bleeding, patients will even die.

In general, for patients with chronic liver disease, alcohol can promote the further development of liver disease, which is not conducive to disease treatment.

And when appear above a few symptom, often be liver cirrhosis already found oneself signal, need to seek medical examination actively.

Once diagnosed with liver cirrhosis, should be the first time treatment, to avoid further development of the disease, to an irreversible point.

There are 4 phenomena of drinking, please put down your glass immediately! The liver may be hardened into "stones" There are 4 phenomena of drinking, please put down your glass immediately! The liver may be hardened into "stones" Reviewed by kairos999 on November 22, 2020 Rating: 5

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