During the high incidence of male gout in autumn, eat several diuretic foods to lower uric acid, including vegetables, fruits and soup

After a man has money, the most unpleasant thing is that his wallet is bulging, his house is big, and his car is luxurious, but his body is getting worse and worse every day. My stomach is big, my hair is gone, my blood vessels are blocked and my kidney is broken.

Perennial social intercourse and unhealthy lifestyle make many middle-aged men suffer from gout, which is very difficult to cure. The incidence rate of gout is low because of the existence of estrogen in women. The incidence rate of gout in men and women is around 9:1.

After autumn, there is a traditional custom of eating more meat and "sticking autumn fat". In addition, autumn is the season of seafood marketing. If you do not resist eating these high purine foods, it is easy to induce acute gout.

Today, I'd like to talk to you: in autumn, when men have a high incidence of gout, they should eat several kinds of diuretic food to reduce uric acid, vegetables, fruits and soup.

It's the season for seafood to go on the market. There are various kinds of mantis shrimps, hairy crabs, blue crabs, mussels, sea urchins and other foods. Middle-aged men should not join in the fun. Seafood is known as high purine food, so we must shut up. In addition, animal viscera, bone soup, red meat and so on should be restricted.

In addition, drink more water and eat more vegetables and fruits with diuretic effect. For example, cucumber is a good choice, cucumber water content as high as 95%, eat a cucumber almost equal to drinking a cup of cucumber taste mineral water.

And cucumber has diuretic effect, for prostatitis, kidney and ureteral stones, hyperuricemia and gout, often eat some cucumber, to ease the disease has great benefits.

Secondly, you can also eat red dates, citrus fruits with high vitamin C content, each hundred grams of red dates contains more than 200 mg of vitamin C, in all fruits can be ranked in the top 10.

Vitamin C can help dissolve urate accumulated in the tissue, so eat more fruits and vegetables with high vitamin C content. Vegetables can choose sweet potato leaves, broccoli, persimmon peppers or tomatoes.

Finally, you can drink some red bean soup. As a kind of coarse grain, red beans are rich in B vitamins and potassium. The saponin contained in the red bean skin also has a strong diuretic effect, which can improve the edema of the face and feet caused by the decline of renal function.

Nutritionists remind everyone: drink more water, but less juice, fructose in juice is not conducive to reducing uric acid.

If you feel that the water is weak, you can drink tea. The tea contains many healthy ingredients, such as tea polyphenols, caffeine, etc., which can keep healthy and can also dilute the excessive uric acid in the blood to a certain extent.

During the high incidence of male gout in autumn, eat several diuretic foods to lower uric acid, including vegetables, fruits and soup During the high incidence of male gout in autumn, eat several diuretic foods to lower uric acid, including vegetables, fruits and soup Reviewed by kairos999 on November 02, 2020 Rating: 5

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