For those who are prone to diarrhea, develop these five good habits, spleen and stomach health is not "weak"

As we all know, spleen and stomach are important organs in the human body. Although they have their own responsibilities, the combination of spleen and stomach can bear the important task of transforming qi and blood together. Moreover, the energy that maintains the life activities of the human body comes from diet, but diet must work together by the spleen and stomach before it can be converted into qi and blood energy.

It can be seen that the health of the spleen and stomach is very important to the human body. If there is a problem in the spleen and stomach, people are easy to have diarrhea. In the long run, it will affect the normal life of patients.

Therefore, we must develop the following five good habits, so that the spleen and stomach become healthy and energetic.

1. Keep away from spicy food

In life, many people like to eat spicy food because they can increase their appetite in the future. However, if they eat spicy food for a long time, it will affect the normal function of the spleen and stomach, especially when the spleen and stomach are damaged, it will further aggravate their symptoms. Therefore, we should keep a light diet, and eat more red beans, Coix, yam and other food to strengthen the spleen The effect of removing dampness.

2. Exercise regularly

If you insist on doing exercise that suits your constitution, it can also promote the blood circulation of the body and discharge the moisture in the body, so as to improve the situation of spleen and stomach weakness. Not only that, exercise can also secrete a substance called dopamine, which can make the brain nerve more excited, make people feel happy and happy, thus can enhance the body's resistance.

3. Keep warm

One of the main factors leading to spleen and stomach weakness is cold invading the body. If it is not discharged in time, diarrhea will appear. Therefore, in order to prevent the spleen and stomach from becoming weak, we must do a good job in keeping warm, especially in the hot summer, when blowing the air conditioner, we must protect our navel to prevent catching cold, and in autumn and winter, we should appropriately increase clothing to avoid abdominal cold.

4. Avoid cold and raw food

Although drinking cold drinks and eating ice cream in summer can temporarily relieve the heat, it will lead to the spleen and stomach in a bad state for a long time, which will affect its function and eventually lead to the symptoms of diarrhea. Therefore, in order to reduce the cold invasion of the stomach, we should eat less cold food.

5. Supplement probiotics

Some people's weakness is due to the imbalance of intestinal flora. At this time, appropriate probiotics supplement can help the intestinal tract wake up probiotics, so as to achieve a balanced state, and can also improve the situation of diarrhea.

If you don't want to have the problem of weak spleen and stomach and diarrhea, you must develop these five good habits on weekdays. At the same time, you should adjust your diet structure and eat more of the following foods to prevent intestinal diseases.

1. Jujube

Jujube is warm in nature, beneficial to Qi and blood, and has the effect of Tonifying the spleen and stomach. For people with poor appetite, irregular stool and insufficient Qi and blood, you can often eat jujube, which can improve the diarrhea caused by the spleen and stomach.

2. Yam

This kind of food contains polyphenol oxidase and amylase, which can promote the digestion and absorption of the spleen and stomach, thus reducing the burden of the spleen and stomach.

In general, people with weak spleen and stomach must pay more attention in daily life, especially in patients with frequent diarrhea, we must take measures to keep warm and pay attention to eating habits. Finally, it is suggested that in the case of excessive cold in the body, you can eat more pepper to warm the body, which can relieve the symptoms of spleen and stomach weakness to a certain extent.

For those who are prone to diarrhea, develop these five good habits, spleen and stomach health is not "weak" For those who are prone to diarrhea, develop these five good habits, spleen and stomach health is not "weak" Reviewed by kairos999 on January 24, 2021 Rating: 5

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