Is uric acid high in the body? Remember two kinds of food often eat, uric acid slowly out, gout does not come!

In recent years, high uric acid has gradually appeared in daily life. the main reason for the high uric acid in the body is that they eat an uncontrolled diet and always like to eat foods with high purine content. In this case, the body will appear abnormalities, such as common joint mobility decline, bone fibrosis, and the most serious gout problems.

If it comes to gout, the patient's legs and feet are obviously swollen, and the pain is like needling. If it is not treated in time, the disease will gradually become serious. Therefore, we must eat more low purine and high fiber food to promote the excretion of uric acid.

1. Bitter gourd

Bitter gourd is a low purine and low-fat alkaline food, and it contains alkaloid quinine, which can help gout patients excrete uric acid in the body.

In addition, bitter gourd is rich in quinine protein, which can activate the active protein of immune cells and play an anti-cancer role.

Therefore, people who are troubled by gout must eat more bitter gourd to help excrete uric acid.

2. Lemon

Although lemon tastes sour, it is an alkaline food. In other words, lemon juice can make urine alkaline to a certain extent, which can reduce uric acid. Moreover, the sugar content and calories of lemon water are relatively low, which can be drunk even for people with three high levels.

In addition, lemon also has the effect of softening blood vessels, in which the bitter element and flavonoids have the function of reducing acid, reducing three highs and preventing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

To remind you, do not drink lemonade when gout attacks, because it is rich in vitamin C, which can aggravate gout.

Of course, in addition to the bitter gourd and lemon can effectively reduce the uric acid value in the body, there are many kinds of food materials can also achieve this effect, such as loofah, tartary buckwheat tea and apple.

1. Loofah

When it comes to this name, I believe many people don't know what it is, but in fact, loofah is a kind of food made by removing the skin and flesh of sponge gourd, cleaning and drying. Because of its cool nature and sweet taste, it has the effect of eliminating edema, promoting blood circulation and activating collaterals. It can increase urine volume by soaking water with loofah on weekdays, so as to help excrete excess uric acid in the body and keep away from gout.

2. Tartary buckwheat tea

Tartary buckwheat tea is an alkaline beverage. If you drink it regularly, it can reduce the absorption of uric acid by renal tubular epithelial cells and accelerate the excretion of uric acid. However, the premise is that the patient should drink plenty of water every day to avoid the formation of urinary tract stones.

More importantly, tartary buckwheat tea can also play a role in reducing blood lipids and blood sugar, because it contains a substance called rutin, which can improve the body microenvironment, remove garbage toxins, reduce uric acid, and prevent gout disease.

3. Apple

As we all know, apple is rich in vitamin C, which can reduce the concentration of serum uric acid and prevent joint swelling. In addition, it is an alkaline fruit, which contains a lot of water and potassium, and basically does not contain purine. It can promote the excretion of uric acid in human body.

All in all, in the case of high uric acid value in the body, you can eat more of these foods mentioned above, which can help the excretion of uric acid, so as not to be disturbed by gout. Of course, in addition to pay more attention to diet, patients need to drink more water and exercise more in their life to improve the body's metabolic level and promote the excretion of uric acid.

Is uric acid high in the body? Remember two kinds of food often eat, uric acid slowly out, gout does not come! Is uric acid high in the body? Remember two kinds of food often eat, uric acid slowly out, gout does not come! Reviewed by kairos999 on January 04, 2021 Rating: 5

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