The "stomach nourishing medicine" in vegetable world has been found! If you can accept the "strange smell", drive away Helicobacter pylori!

As we all know, the stomach is the organ that digests food and absorbs nutrients. Only when the stomach is healthy, it can continuously deliver nutrients to all organs of the body. However, if there are problems in the stomach, there will be various symptoms in the body, which will affect the health of the body.

In fact, most gastrointestinal problems are caused by Helicobacter pylori infection, so in order to protect the stomach, you might as well try the following kinds of food, although the taste is strange, can help the human body repair gastric mucosa.

1. Coriander (Cilantro)

In daily life, coriander is often used as seasoning in our meals, but in fact, coriander can not only provide food fragrance, as a kind of warm food, it has the effect of strengthening the stomach and keeping in good health. Eating more coriander on weekdays can effectively repair the gastric mucosa, promote food digestion, so as to reduce the burden of the stomach and make it less vulnerable to bacterial damage.

2. Okra

Okra is a relatively common vegetable, but some people do not like to eat okra, mainly because of the special taste, but do not know that okra contains some sticky glycoprotein, which is very beneficial to the body, on the one hand, it can repair gastric mucosa, but also can eliminate Helicobacter pylori, therefore, it is recommended that people with stomach problems eat more okra on weekdays, which may keep you away from stomach trouble.

Of course, in addition to the above two kinds of vegetables can help protect the stomach, you can also drink the following types of water in your life, which can also protect the stomach.

1. Corn silk water

Corn silk is a kind of food material with high medicinal value, because it is rich in a variety of nutrients, has a certain role in the maintenance of the stomach, and it contains the most vitamins, which can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and effectively improve gastric diseases.

2. Barley tea

Barley tea is actually made by frying barley. The way to eat it is very simple. It only needs to be brewed with hot water. The brewed tea has the smell of wheat. Drinking this kind of tea often can not only help digestion, but also protect our intestines and stomach. It is a rare natural "stomach nourishing king".

3. Lemonade

The reason that many people like to drink lemonade in life is that it has a sour taste, which can not only appetizer, but also help to refresh. In addition, lemonade is antioxidant, and it contains a variety of nutrients, especially citric acid, which can effectively kill bacteria, thereby inhibiting the activity of Helicobacter pylori. Therefore, drinking a cup every day is good for the body.

In fact, many common vegetables in life can play the role of gastrointestinal maintenance, such as pumpkin, which is rich in carbohydrates and pectin, can protect the stomach from external stimulation to a certain extent. At the same time, pumpkin also contains rich dietary fiber, which can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, which is very good for the protection of gastrointestinal health.

Generally speaking, if you want to be healthy, you must take good care of your stomach. If you don't know what kind of food to eat, you can get rid of Helicobacter pylori to repair the gastric mucosa. You might as well choose from the several foods mentioned above. If you can stick to eating, I believe that soon, the intestines and stomach can return to health.

Of course, if the stomach is bad, the most important thing is to eat a light diet, eat on time, have a balanced diet, and eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. On this basis, Helicobacter pylori will be farther and farther away from you.

The "stomach nourishing medicine" in vegetable world has been found! If you can accept the "strange smell", drive away Helicobacter pylori! The "stomach nourishing medicine" in vegetable world has been found! If you can accept the "strange smell", drive away Helicobacter pylori! Reviewed by kairos999 on January 05, 2021 Rating: 5

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