Does it hurt the liver more than drinking? After getting up in the morning, these 3 habits have become a common problem of many middle-aged and elderly people

With regard to nourishing the liver and protecting the liver, many people know that they need to stay away from alcohol, relieve their mood and develop good work and rest habits.

However, what many people don't know is that there are three habits after getting up in the morning, which are very harmful to the liver, and these habits are very common among middle-aged and elderly people.

Today I will give you a specific introduction to which three habits are, I hope you can correct them in time.

1. Breakfast often choose high-fat food

As people pay more and more attention to their health, breakfast is paid more and more attention. If conditions permit, most people will choose to eat breakfast.

However, many people are not very healthy in the choice of breakfast food, especially for many middle-aged and elderly people. They usually choose meat bun, oil cakes, fried dough sticks and other foods for breakfast.

And the oil content of this kind of food is relatively high, if you often eat this kind of food in breakfast, it will not only increase the burden of the stomach and intestines, leading to dyspepsia, but also increase the risk of fatty liver, which greatly affects the health of the liver.

2. Choose leftovers for breakfast

Many middle-aged and elderly people are more economical in life, they will choose leftovers left over from the previous night as breakfast.

Some middle-aged and elderly people will continue to eat when the leftovers have deteriorated. These behaviors are very harmful to liver health.

In the process of cooking, we must master the amount of food, try not to appear leftovers, not only affect the taste of dishes, but also easy to produce health risks.

In addition, some middle-aged and elderly people will eat some moldy food in order to save food, which will also increase the burden on the liver and increase the risk of liver disease, because food mildew will breed a large number of toxic substances, which is easy to induce liver cancer.

Therefore, food moldy deterioration, must be treated in time, can not continue to eat.

3. Did not drink water after getting up early

After a night's sleep, the blood viscosity of the body is relatively high when you just get up in the morning, so you may often have dizziness, sleep not waking, unable to lift the spirit. And in the morning after drinking a cup of warm water is a very good habit, first of all, can reduce blood viscosity, let the brain more awake, second, can improve appetite, avoid do not want to eat breakfast situation.

In addition, it can also moisturize the intestinal tract, promote the smooth discharge of feces, and avoid constipation.

In addition, drinking a glass of water after getting up early can also promote the liver to play a better detoxification function. Under the condition of water shortage, the blood circulation is not smooth, which will affect the normal function of organs.

Especially for the middle-aged and elderly people, if they do not supplement water in time after getting up early, they are prone to cardiovascular disease and liver disease.

The above is the common life in the morning after getting up will cause adverse effects on the liver three habits.

If you have the above bad behavior, we must correct it in time.

In addition, if you want to really nourish the liver and protect the liver, we must avoid excessive drinking, especially at night, and reduce the intake of alcohol to avoid aggravating the liver burden and causing liver diseases.

At the same time, we should try our best to keep a good mood, learn to control emotions reasonably, and don't often get angry, because negative emotions can also have a great impact on the liver.

Does it hurt the liver more than drinking? After getting up in the morning, these 3 habits have become a common problem of many middle-aged and elderly people Does it hurt the liver more than drinking? After getting up in the morning, these 3 habits have become a common problem of many middle-aged and elderly people Reviewed by kairos999 on October 27, 2020 Rating: 5

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