Once diagnosed with hypertension, pay attention to less touching "2 yellow", do 3 things, control blood pressure does not soar

Hypertension is a common disease in people's life. When a person's systolic blood pressure ≥ 140mmHg and diastolic blood pressure ≥ 90mmHg, it is proved that the blood pressure has increased.

Sometimes the mood is too excited, take part in intense exercise, improper diet will also cause physiological blood pressure rise. However, this situation can be improved after conditioning, when the body's blood, blood vessels, heart problems will cause pathological blood pressure rise.

This kind of people should touch less yelow and give up two habits to keep blood pressure stable.

Don't touch the three yellow?

1. Eat less fried food

As we all know, after deep frying, food will become too greasy, and the content of unsaturated fatty acids will become higher, which will increase the fat content in the blood, and then cause hypertension.

May also induce obesity, hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia and other diseases.

In addition, we should also eat less fat, animal skin, animal viscera, so as to avoid continuous rise in blood pressure.

2. Drink less beer

Beer contains less alcohol, so many people have the habit of drinking beer.

But the alcohol can also stimulate the blood vessels. When the blood vessels dilate, the blood pressure will drop. After a period of time, the sympathetic nerves will become excited.

Blood vessels will contract again, so that blood pressure increases, so that it is easy to reduce the elasticity of blood vessels, blood pressure regulation ability becomes worse and worse, thus causing hypertension.

3. Baked food

When it comes to sweets, many people say they like them very much, especially baked biscuits and cakes, which are popular snacks. Some people have the habit of eating all kinds of bread in the morning.

But this kind of baked food contains a lot of oil and sugar, often eat will cause arteriosclerosis, blood pressure rise phenomenon.

What are the two habits you need to break?

1. Stay up late

Now the pace of people's life is faster and faster, especially for office workers, the pressure of life and work is getting higher and higher, many people have the habit of staying up late, and some people are for entertainment.

Watching TV and playing mobile phones for a long time in the evening will lead to staying up late, and the body will not get enough rest for a long time, which will lead to the increase of nerve excitability, the contraction of blood vessels, and the formation of hypertension over time.

2. Angry

Anger is something everyone can do.

It is almost impossible to get rid of anger completely, but everyone should try to control their emotions. When encountering anything, they should try their best to keep their emotions stable. They should not be too happy, angry, sad and happy. In particular, they should not be too angry to reduce the fluctuation of blood pressure and make blood vessels unhealthy.

Do three things to keep your blood pressure stable.

1. Take antihypertensive drugs on time

Once suffering from high blood pressure, usually should be strictly in accordance with the doctor's advice to take antihypertensive drugs.

Do not arbitrarily increase or reduce the amount of drugs, nor can you change the type of antihypertensive drugs and the time of taking drugs, so as not to affect the control of blood pressure, but not conducive to the health of the body.

In the period of taking antihypertensive drugs can not eat too spicy, stimulating, but also avoid taking medicine with tea, smoking, drinking.

2. Exercise properly

Patients with hypertension can not refuse to exercise because of the rise of blood pressure as soon as they are active, which will lead to worse physical fitness and no way to resist the invasion of diseases, but can not keep blood pressure stable.

The correct way is through walking, Taiji, doing exercises to increase their own immunity, while helping the body's blood circulation, so that blood pressure remains stable.

3. Drink plenty of water

People with high blood pressure can usually drink appropriate amount of boiled water, which helps to dilute blood, promote blood circulation, and can also drink mineral water to help the body supplement calcium, magnesium and other nutritional elements, so as to alleviate the vasospasm caused by hypertension, so as to maintain the stability of blood pressure.

Although high blood pressure does not directly threaten human life, long-term high blood pressure can cause pathological changes in human heart, blood vessels, brain and kidney, leading to stroke, heart disease, renal failure, hemangioma and other serious diseases.

Therefore, anyone should pay attention to the phenomenon of elevated blood pressure, timely go to the hospital after the problem occurs, in order to protect their own life safety.

But the question is, in terms of current trends, how many people know they have high blood pressure? Even if you know that you have high blood pressure, how many people will pay attention to it? 

Once diagnosed with hypertension, pay attention to less touching "2 yellow", do 3 things, control blood pressure does not soar Once diagnosed with hypertension, pay attention to less touching "2 yellow", do 3 things, control blood pressure does not soar Reviewed by kairos999 on October 13, 2020 Rating: 5

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