The natural "humidifier" of the lungs was discovered! Eat these 3 kinds of ingredients often, cough is not common in autumn and winter

After the White Dew, most areas in the north also officially welcome autumn!

An autumn rain and a cold, with the advent of several autumn rains, the change of temperature difference between day and night is gradually showing!

According to clinical data, autumn is exactly the high incidence period of various respiratory diseases, not only because of the temperature difference, but also because the climate in autumn has gradually become dry, the respiratory tract is not moistened and pathogens are rampant.

For people with poor immunity, it undoubtedly promotes the development of respiratory diseases, such as bronchitis, laryngitis, pneumonia, etc., especially in autumn.

Because of this, the health care sector believes that autumn is exactly the season of "nourishing lung".

In addition to exercise to improve their own resistance, we can also choose some food to moisten the lung and reduce noise in diet. For example, tremella fuciformis is one of the common ingredients. It has the effect of moistening the lung and replenishing qi, beautifying and nourishing the face, and is one of the best choices for moistening the lung and relieving cough.

In addition to tremella fuciformis, the following three kinds of food materials can also play a lung moistening effect:

1. Snow pear

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, white food into the lung, all white food is good for the lung.

Moreover, traditional Chinese medicine believes that pear is cold and sweet in taste, and has the effect of treating wind heat, moistening the lung and cooling the heart, reducing fire and detoxification. It is a good product for moistening the lung, clearing heat, relieving cough and resolving phlegm!

From the perspective of modern medicine, pears are indeed good for the lungs.

Because it contains a lot of water, vitamins, trace elements and other beneficial substances. After entering the body, it can moisten the respiratory tract and relieve cough symptoms. Moreover, the pear contains certain dietary fiber, which is easy to appear in autumn, such as loss of appetite, constipation and other problems, but also has a certain conditioning effect!

However, it should be noted that snow pear is cold in nature and should not be consumed too much at one time. In particular, people with spleen and stomach deficiency, heavy moisture and other problems should reduce the consumption of raw pears, which can be taken with snow pear and tremella soup.

2. Carrot

Carrot is rich in vitamin fruit, and it also has a lot of carotene. Carotene can be converted into vitamin A after entering the body.

According to clinical investigation, vitamin A is the raw material for the growth of mucosal cells. When the respiratory tract mucosa is lack of vitamin A, the mucosal epithelial tissue can not grow normally, metabolism, and resistance will also be reduced, which is easy to induce various respiratory tract inflammation, such as tracheitis, pneumonia, etc.

Often eat carrots, you can timely supplement vitamin A, and then play a strong respiratory mucosa effect.

3. Wax gourd

Wax gourd is one of the common vegetables, and is also the food representative of "medicine and food homology".

According to nutrition research, nearly 90% of wax gourd is water, which can timely supplement water to human body and lubricate respiratory tract.

Moreover, there are a lot of nutrients in wax gourd, including vitamins, minerals and trace elements, which can improve their immunity and resist the invasion of pathogens.

In addition, traditional Chinese medicine believes that wax gourd can play the role of clearing lung heat, relieving cough and resolving phlegm, and moistening the lung. Therefore, we can eat more wax gourd at ordinary times, whether it is stew, stew is a good choice.

Moreover, wax gourd is still a kind of detumescence, diuretic food, for heavy moisture, edema also has a certain conditioning effect.

Finally, we need to remind you that food only plays an auxiliary conditioning effect.

If you already have respiratory diseases, you can't cure them by just relying on food.

Patients should actively seek medical examination to confirm the root cause of the problem, and then choose appropriate drugs and treatment according to the doctor's advice.

The natural "humidifier" of the lungs was discovered! Eat these 3 kinds of ingredients often, cough is not common in autumn and winter The natural "humidifier" of the lungs was discovered! Eat these 3 kinds of ingredients often, cough is not common in autumn and winter Reviewed by kairos999 on October 08, 2020 Rating: 5

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