Is oral ulcer just because of inflammation and lack of vitamins? Three common sense, we have finally found out today

Oral ulcer is the most common form of oral diseases, and its incidence rate is also the highest. After suffering from oral ulcers, there are large or small white dots on the human tongue or inside the lips.

Although the oral ulcer to the body is not very big, but if not treated in time, or there is a great possibility of deterioration, serious life-threatening.

But how many people know about oral ulcer? Don't mistake these three common sense:

1. Is oral ulcer caused by Internal Heat (shang huo)?

More than half of the people think that the oral ulcer is caused by the internal heat, and they go to the pharmacy to buy the medicine that can lower the internal heat, and think that the oral ulcer will be better after this. But is it really effective?

From the above, when the body's heart fire is too strong, it will cause sore throat, accompanied by oral ulcer. From this we can know that the internal heat does cause oral ulcer, but other conditions may also be caused, such as Yang deficiency, liver depression, damp heat and so on. Therefore, after suffering from oral ulcer, do not rush to use drugs blindly according to their own judgment, but should go to the hospital for examination.

2. Oral ulcer is not serious?

If there is only an occasional oral ulcer, the problem is really not big. However, if your oral ulcer is recurrent, and at the same time there are some abnormal conditions in the body, you need to pay special attention to it, don't take it seriously.

Because if you suffer from some other diseases, such as lupus erythematosus, rheumatism, leukemia, etc., it will lead to local ulcers in the mouth, and it will recur. And this will make people unbearable pain, but also affect the normal eating, drinking water and so on. And if not treated in time, there is a great probability that it will develop into oral cancer.

3. Is oral ulcer caused by lack of vitamin?

Some people will think that oral ulcer is caused by the lack of vitamin in the body. Most of them are judged according to their own situation. Some people will easily lack vitamins due to lack of appetite and have just finished intestinal surgery. At the same time, they will suffer from oral ulcer. However, it can be concluded from the first point that oral ulcer is not only one influencing factor, it may be caused by body dysfunction or physical fatigue.

Oral ulcers can also be debilitating when they hurt, but this can reduce the pain

I believe that we all have the experience of suffering from oral ulcer in real life, and even cause fever. So, at the beginning of discovering that you have oral ulcer, you should make a response, that is, apply your honey to the affected area first, because it contains very rich vitamin C, which has a good repair and antioxidant effect for some small wounds.

Then go to the drugstore to buy watermelon cream, oral ulcer must not drag, otherwise it will become more and more serious.

In general, if the oral ulcer can be treated in time and the right medicine can be used, it can be cured quickly. However, if someone uses his own medicine to treat it, he should pay attention to whether the oral ulcer has recurrent attacks or no remission. He must go to the hospital to examine the stomatologist and prescribe the right medicine to the case. Don't ignore it. Oral cancer is a big threat. In addition, people who do not have oral ulcer should pay attention to a balanced diet to ensure that the body can have adequate nutrition. 

Is oral ulcer just because of inflammation and lack of vitamins? Three common sense, we have finally found out today Is oral ulcer just because of inflammation and lack of vitamins? Three common sense, we have finally found out today Reviewed by kairos999 on October 09, 2020 Rating: 5

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