More than half a million people die of sudden cardiac death every year? Reminder: don't want to see God in advance, do 5 things

The heart is like the "engine" inside the human body. Every time it beats forcefully, it is pumping blood and recycling blood to all parts of the body! Only when the heart works day and night, can it meet the human body's needs for oxygen and nutrition.

And once the heart stops beating, it will mean the death knell, so the heart is also one of the most important organs in the internal organs!

In recent years, with the continuous development of social economy, the national living standard has made a qualitative leap, and the continuous rise of housing prices, families and the burden of life, also let everyone into a fast-paced, high tension in the state of life.

Because of this, heart disease has gradually entered a high incidence period in recent years. According to relevant statistics, more than 500000 people die of heart disease every year in China!

It is true that "sudden death" news has become common. Many people's awareness of "sudden death" has gradually established, but some people do not understand it or do not understand it at all.

In fact, to prevent sudden death, we should protect our heart. If we want to keep heart disease away from ourselves, we'd better do "three more and two less" at ordinary times

1. More exercise

The benefits of exercise are basically in the "weight loss" aspect. But in fact, the benefits of exercise are more than that.

Long term, regular aerobic exercise, can increase the pumping function of the heart, exercise myocardial contractility, so that the whole body can get adequate nutrition and oxygen supply.

At the same time, exercise can also consume excess fat and energy in the body, which is helpful to prevent metabolic diseases and atherosclerosis, thus reducing the possibility of cardiovascular diseases.

2More balanced diet

There seems to be no correlation between diet and heart, but unhealthy eating habits can become the cause of many diseases, such as hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, etc., which are all related to diet.

And these diseases can cause vascular endothelial damage, atherosclerosis, thus increasing their own risk of coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction.

Therefore, we should pay attention to balanced diet at ordinary times, to light, multi nutrition, diet diversification. In particular, we should choose some low-fat and dietary fiber foods, such as soybean products, coarse grains, green vegetables, fruits and so on.

3Observe the physical condition more

Sudden death seems sudden, but it takes a long time for heart disease to develop.

For people who have already had "three high" disease and family history of heart disease, in addition to the above two points, it is necessary to observe the abnormal signals from the body. For example, whether often precordial pain, chest tightness, shortness of breath, arrhythmia, etc.

In addition, in peacetime should also be the primary disease comprehensive control, only when the disease is stable, can reduce the possibility of cardiovascular injury in the later stage!

Doing more of these three things is good for heart health. The following two things should be avoided as far as possible in peacetime:

1. Less or even no smoking

China is a big country of tobacco production and consumption, and the words that smoking is harmful to health are printed on tobacco packaging. Cigarette damage to the body, will not only involve the respiratory system.

At the same time, harmful substances in cigarettes will also have an impact on endocrine, leading to a large amount of adrenaline, catecholamine secretion, and then induce blood pressure rise, heart beat faster.

Moreover, harmful substances will damage the vascular endothelium, accelerate the development of atherosclerosis, increase the possibility of cardiovascular disease, so early smoking cessation is the king way to protect the heart.

2. Stay up late

Although people in the sleep state, the heart is also at work. But compared with the amount of work during the day, the heart works much less during sleep.

If people stay up late for a long time, it will not only disrupt the endocrine system and biological clock, but also cause the increase of blood pressure and the burden of heart pump blood, resulting in the sudden increase of myocardial oxygen consumption, which is not conducive to heart health.

If you want to keep your heart healthy, it's necessary to do these things well.

In addition, we should also control their emotions in life and avoid violent emotional fluctuations. Especially in patients with coronary atherosclerosis, sudden mood fluctuations, cardiac oxygen consumption will also increase suddenly, and may have sudden myocardial infarction or even sudden death.

This is also why we can see on the screen or in life some people because of emotional excitement and sudden heart disease pictures.

Therefore, to protect the heart, we should not only standardize the living habits, but also learn to control emotions, which is also a big lesson of health care.

More than half a million people die of sudden cardiac death every year? Reminder: don't want to see God in advance, do 5 things More than half a million people die of sudden cardiac death every year? Reminder: don't want to see God in advance, do 5 things Reviewed by kairos999 on October 08, 2020 Rating: 5

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