Long term eating "longevity vegetables" sweet potato leaves, three benefits are obviously easy to see! But for these two types of people, it's better to eat less

Sweet potato is a kind of healthy, delicious and nutritious food. It has many benefits for human health, and many people like to eat it.

However, many people may not know that sweet potato leaves can also be eaten, and also known as "longevity food".

Do you know why sweet potato leaves are called like that? Who is not suitable to eat sweet potato leaves?

Sweet potato leaves contain a large number of natural nutrients such as carotene, crude fiber, polyphenols and flavonoids. Eating sweet potato leaves has a good health care effect on the body. It is no exaggeration to be called the "king of green leaf vegetables".

Why is sweet potato leaf called "longevity food"

1. Eating sweet potato leaves can protect your eyesight

Sweet potato leaves contain a large number of lutein and carotene and other important components, especially the content of carotene is as high as 6000 micrograms, often eat sweet potato leaves can be very good protection of vision.

2. Eating sweet potato leaves can make the gastrointestinal tract healthier

The content of crude fiber in sweet potato leaves is very rich. Eating sweet potato leaves can effectively promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, accelerate the excretion of metabolic wastes and toxins, it has a good effect of catharsis and moistening intestines, making gastrointestinal tract more healthy.

3. Eating sweet potato leaves can stabilize blood pressure

Sweet potato leaves are rich in a variety of polyphenols, flavonoids, these natural ingredients can help stabilize blood pressure, hypertension patients can eat more sweet potato leaves, good for the body.

In addition, eating sweet potato leaves can also increase the body's immunity and effectively delay aging, which is really a lot of benefits.

If you like to eat sweet potato leaves, you might as well eat more, which is of great benefit to your health.

However, sweet potato leaves in the edible time, there are some taboos need to pay attention to. The following three categories of people eat, may be counterproductive.

Who is not suitable to eat sweet potato leaves?

First, Patients with poor gastrointestinal function

Sweet potato leaves belong to cold food. People with poor gastrointestinal function may increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, which may lead to some gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, dyspepsia and so on. People with poor gastrointestinal function should eat less sweet potato leaves.

Second, kidney deficiency, Yang deficiency in the body

People who have cold hands and feet, weakness, night sweats and other symptoms of kidney deficiency and yang deficiency in the body should eat less sweet potato leaves.

It is suggested that such people should eat more warm and tonic foods such as mutton and red dates in their daily diet.

Sweet potato leaves are rich in nutrients, rich in a variety of natural nutrients, is worthy of the name of "longevity food materials", in life, appropriate consumption of some of the body has a lot of benefits. However, when you eat sweet potato leaves, you should also follow the relevant eating methods.

Gastrointestinal function is not good, gout patients and kidney deficiency, yin deficiency patients should eat less or not, in order to avoid adverse effects, bring some unnecessary negative effects to the body.

Long term eating "longevity vegetables" sweet potato leaves, three benefits are obviously easy to see! But for these two types of people, it's better to eat less Long term eating "longevity vegetables" sweet potato leaves, three benefits are obviously easy to see! But for these two types of people, it's better to eat less Reviewed by kairos999 on October 07, 2020 Rating: 5

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