Get fatty liver don't be afraid, often eat 5 kinds of food, drink 2 kinds of water more, or can help you shake off fatty liver

In the 21st century, with people's living conditions getting better and better, there are various kinds of food to eat. At the same time, the corresponding diseases are also emerging in endlessly. For example, fatty liver is a kind of disease which is very typical because of the excessive diet. In order to prevent this kind of liver disease in time, the editor gives you some suggestions on diet, Make sure you keep fatty liver away from you.

Eat five things often

1. Oats

First of all, as a health food, oats have been loved by many health people, not only because of its moist taste, but also because it contains rich nutrients, especially vitamin E, saponins and linoleic acid. It can not only effectively reduce the concentration of cholesterol in the human blood, but also promote the body to decompose and consume other types of lipids.

2. Wolfberry

In addition to oats, Lycium barbarum is also one of the health foods commonly used by people in the lake. According to TCM experts, Lycium barbarum not only has the effect of nourishing the liver and protecting the liver, but also has the effect of purifying blood and eyesight. On the one hand, because it is rich in carotene and lutein, it can promote the metabolism of the body. On the other hand, its betaine can be very effective to prevent the accumulation of fat in the liver. Therefore, it has an ideal effect on the prevention of fatty liver.

3. Onion

As a common vegetable in people's life, onion itself contains a lot of volatile materials. Many people avoid onion because they are afraid of choking their eyes. However, these irritant substances, in essence, are composed of a large number of sulfide and thioamino acids, which not only have good bactericidal function, but also help regulate the blood lipid content of human body.

4. Apple

As a common fruit, some benefits of apple are needless to say, its rich potassium element, on the one hand, can not only help promote intestinal peristalsis, protect intestinal health, on the other hand, it can also reduce the absorption of lipids such as cholesterol, which can effectively prevent the human body from suffering from fatty liver.

5. Pitaya

As we all know, the fruit of this kind of fruit is mixed with its seeds. Nowadays, many people do not want to eat pitaya because they are afraid of trouble. However, as a tropical fruit, it has the advantages of fruit, vegetable, flower bud and medicine,. Pitaya not only contains unique functions, but also is rich in nutrition. In the process of planting pitaya, it almost does not need to spray any pesticide. It can also grow normally. Besides, pitaya can also serve as a kind of health food with specific curative effect in people's life. So if the liver is damaged, eat pitaya moderately It can not only repair the liver, but also supplement the basic nutrients needed by other organs.

Drink two kinds of water often

1. Chrysanthemum tea

Chrysanthemum tea is well-known as a kind of health tea, because of its effect of nourishing the liver and improve eyesight, as well as sweet and moist dry mouth, it is loved by many health people. Therefore, if you want to protect your liver, you may as well prepare more Chrysanthemum tea at home. Proper drinking can help reduce the metabolic burden of the liver and promote the liver to eliminate harmful toxins.

2. Dandelion

Dandelion, as a common herb. It has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification because it has many trace elements. Friends with bad liver can drink more dandelion water. On the one hand, it not only helps to protect the liver, on the other hand, it can supplement all kinds of nutrients of human body.

To sum up, if the liver function is not good friends, you can use oats instead of breakfast, eat more onions, apples, pitaya and other fruits at dinner, and can also be used as snacks. In addition, you might as well keep wolfberry, chrysanthemum and dandelion at home for making water and tea. In this way, multi pronged approach, on the one hand, can not only solve the problem of liver function damage, but also can improve the health of the body On the other hand, regular and fixed-point intake of these liver nourishing foods can not only nourish liver and protect liver, but also indirectly improve their existing eating habits, killing three birds with one stone.

Get fatty liver don't be afraid, often eat 5 kinds of food, drink 2 kinds of water more, or can help you shake off fatty liver Get fatty liver don't be afraid, often eat 5 kinds of food, drink 2 kinds of water more, or can help you shake off fatty liver Reviewed by kairos999 on October 13, 2020 Rating: 5

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