The fruit to clear the lungs is found! If you insist on eating these 4 kinds of fruits, you can reduce phlegm and relieve cough, and clear the intestines

If the human body wants to exchange gas with the outside world, it must pass through the lungs. However, the air pollution in the current living environment is serious. Long-term smoking, a large amount of dust, germ pollution and other factors will have a very serious impact on the lungs. Over time, the human lungs may cause many health problems.

When some pollutants enter the alveoli, it is very difficult to clean them out. Therefore, it is necessary to wear a mask when going out and to clean the nose and mouth at home. In addition, the lungs can also be regulated through diet, which can relieve cough and resolve phlegm. At the same time, eating the following four kinds of fruits often can not only nourish the lungs, but also have a significant effect on clearing the intestines.

1. Pear

Pear is a fruit with high water content and has a sweet taste. Therefore, it can play an obvious role in the maintenance of the lungs and can help the lungs to clear the phlegm. If you have a lung disease, you can boil some pear water for the patient, which can effectively help the patient relieve a series of uncomfortable symptoms such as cough and sputum caused by lung inflammation. At the same time, pears can replenish water and vitamins for the body, and it is also good for improving the function of the intestines.

2. Pomelo

The pomelo itself is rich in vitamins and crude fiber. Therefore, it can promote gastrointestinal motility and has a certain effect on clearing the intestines and strengthening the stomach. If you suffer from anemia, you can often eat pomelo, pomelo can relieve the symptoms caused by anemia. In addition, pomelo contains protein and inorganic salts, which can help the body to enhance immunity and facilitate the absorption of calcium. It can also promote the excretion of toxins from the body, thereby achieving the purpose of clearing the lungs.

3. Luo Han Guo (Monk Fruit)

Luo Han Guo may be known to most people, and it is one of the fruits suitable for patients with lung diseases, because Luo Han Guo has substances that inhibit bacteria. Often eating Luo Han Guo has a certain preventive effect on virus infection, and you can also use Luo Han Guo soaking water to drink, can prevent lung disease.

4. Figs

This fruit is rich in potassium, and potassium can help the respiratory system to maintain normal work, and at the same time have a certain inhibition of lung bacteria. Moreover, regular consumption of figs is helpful to clean up the intestines. The excess oil, garbage and waste in the intestines can be removed by figs.

If you usually pay attention to health care and want to keep your intestines and respiratory system healthier, then you might as well use the above four kinds of fruits. Eating fruit itself has health effects and can beautify the skin. For the above four kinds of fruits, it is more targeted to protect the respiratory system and clean up the intestines. Therefore, it is recommended that you usually eat more.

The fruit to clear the lungs is found! If you insist on eating these 4 kinds of fruits, you can reduce phlegm and relieve cough, and clear the intestines The fruit to clear the lungs is found! If you insist on eating these 4 kinds of fruits, you can reduce phlegm and relieve cough, and clear the intestines Reviewed by kairos999 on October 07, 2020 Rating: 5

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