When sleeping at night, if all 4 phenomena appear, I'm sorry, the thrombus has "occupied" your body

For thick blood, maybe many people don't know much about it.

The so-called blood thick, refers to blood viscosity, prone to thrombosis, is a precursor before the occurrence of thrombosis, can also be understood as blood viscosity increases, blood lipids increase, the formation of thrombosis.

When there is damage in the blood vessel, the body will form thrombus, and then block the blood vessel, so that the damaged place can be repaired, but if the thrombosis is not suitable, it may block the blood vessel.

Human coagulation is the process of forming thrombus, moderate thrombosis actually needs fibrinolysis, it is a dynamic balance, when the dynamic balance is lost, it will form this kind of thrombus blocking blood vessels.

What are the hazards of thick blood?

When the blood viscosity increases, it can slow down the blood flow rate. In addition, excessive aging and hardening of red blood cells can easily lead to erythrocyte aggregation, further aggravating the degree of blood consistency, resulting in insufficient blood supply to heart and cerebral vessels. Ischemia and hypoxia can cause dizziness, headache, palpitation, shortness of breath, chest tightness and chest pain, numbness of limbs, fatigue, drowsiness or insomnia;

If the blood is too thick, in the hypercoagulable state, it is easy to form thrombosis; when thrombosis can lead to vascular blockage, blood can not flow to local organs, ischemic necrosis occurs.

When the thrombus is not particularly serious, it can form embolus, separate from the blood vessel wall and flow to various parts of the body, causing embolism.

If the heart part of the thrombus symptoms, may lead to valve adhesion, can cause valve insufficiency, the formation of bacterial endocarditis.

Thrombosis is more serious, can cause bleeding or shock symptoms, a threat to human life.

Have thrombus in the body, can know through sleeping?

Thick blood often has the following performance, appear the following performance to be vigilant.

1. When you sleep, you suddenly wake up by urination

When we sleep, the blood flow slows down. When we sleep at night, we seldom urinate, but often will be urine suffocation wake.

2. Drooling

They may not be aware of it. The pillow towel is wet after waking up. It is likely that the blood vessels in the brain are blocked by thrombus, which affects the nerve's control over the tissue, resulting in drooling.

3. Cold hands and feet

Hands and feet are far away from the heart. Although there are blood vessels and blood in the body, if you want to have normal blood circulation, you need the help of cardiac pressurization to carry out normal blood circulation.

When the body has blood vessels blocked, blood can not reach the end of the body in time, hands and feet, so often cold.

4. Blurred vision

Blood viscosity in addition to the spirit of the brain, will also reduce the quality of sleep a lot, will wake up in the morning, tired, slow blood flow speed, affect the eyes, eye blood supply shortage caused, in front of a layer of white things, can not see the object.

For thick blood, is it feasible to often dredge blood vessels?

With the progress of society, everyone is paying more and more attention to their health. More and more elderly people are afraid of thick blood, so they go to dredge blood vessels regularly.

This method is not feasible for most of the people. For the elderly with heart problems, infusion can increase the burden of heart and induce heart failure.

All medicines may have the risk of allergies and may also cause infusion reactions

Blood is thick and do not rush to intravenous infusion, simple blood thick, pay attention to control diet, do not overeat, do not eat high-fat food, at the same time, oral aspirin enteric coated tablets, with oral lipid-lowering drug treatment.

In the face of "thick blood", how to do?

We should actively control the further development of blood clot and prevent the formation of thrombosis, especially the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Pay attention to the daily diet, first of all, drink more water, or drink more tea to dilute the blood and relieve the symptoms of blood clotting.

In the usual diet must be light, reduce the intake of high cholesterol food, usually eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, and some coarse fiber food, such as corn, soybean, black beans, etc.

Adhere to regular exercise, after meals every day at least half an hour of exercise, such as jogging, fast walking, etc., appear uncomfortable symptoms such as chest tightness, blurred vision and so on, timely medical treatment.

When sleeping at night, if all 4 phenomena appear, I'm sorry, the thrombus has "occupied" your body When sleeping at night, if all 4 phenomena appear, I'm sorry, the thrombus has "occupied" your body Reviewed by kairos999 on October 28, 2020 Rating: 5

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